04:18:20 PM |
Representative Bacon and Gonzales-Gutierrez, prime sponsors, presented Senate Bill 22-023, concerning prohibiting deceptive tactics during custodial interrogation of a juvenile. Representative Bacon explained the effect of the bill and discussed its need. Representative Gonzales-Gutierrez provided additional input on the bill, and explained the effect of amendments to the bill adopted in the Senate. Discussion ensued regarding the use of deception by the police when interviewing a juvenile to save a person's life, and the type of evidence that would overcome the presumption of admissability under the bill.
04:35:38 PM |
Tristan Gorman, representing the Colorado Criminal Defense Bar, testified in support of SB 22-023. Ms. Gorman responded to questions regarding other states that have passed legislation similar to the bill, and a scenario where the police uses deception with a juvenile to save a person's life. Ms. Gorman responded to questions regarding the types of scenarios where law enforcement would want to use deception with a juvenile.
04:49:37 PM |
Robert Axmacher, representing the Colorado District Attorneys' Council and the Eighth Judicial District, testified in opposition to SB 22-023.
Heidi McCollum, representing the Fifth Judicial District, testified in opposition to the bill.
Del Kleinschmidt, representing the Jefferson County Sheriff's Office, testified in opposition to the bill.
Chris Noeller, representing the Pueblo Police Department and the Colorado Association of Chiefs of Police, testified on the bill from an "amend" position.
Randy McNitt, representing the Lakewood Police Department and the Colorado Association of Chiefs of Police, testified on the bill from an "amend" position.
Mr. Kleinschmidt responded to questions regarding whether a confession was voluntary in a scenario he referenced, and policies at his department for interrogating juveniles. He responded to further questions regarding what would change if SB 22-023 were to pass. Discussion ensued regarding what is to be gained by removing deception as a tool in interrogating juveniles, and the utility of deception when interrogating juveniles. Mr. Noeller responded to questions regarding the presence of a parent as a safeguard during juvenile interrogation.
05:33:36 PM |
Apryl Alexander, representing herself, testified in support of SB 22-023.
James Trainum, representing himself, testified in support of the bill.
Discussion ensued regarding data associated with the use of deception in interrogation. Mr. Trainum responded to questions regarding the Reid Technique for interrogation, and the potential for amending the bill to allow law enforcement agencies to create certain interrogation policies. Dr. Alexander responded to questions regarding overrepresentation of certain demographic groups in custodial interrogations.
05:54:11 PM |
Michael Dougherty, representing himself, made himself available to answer questions on SB 22-023. Mr. Dougherty expressed certain concerns. He responded to questions regarding the impacts on prosecution of passing the bill, and the definition of "deception" in the bill.
06:05:55 PM |
Amber Doggett, representing herself, testified in support of SB 22-023. Ms. Doggett responded to questions regarding why the police were convinced of their position when they interrogated her. Lorenzo Montoya, representing himself, testified in support of the bill. Jane Fisher-Byrialsen, representing herself, testified in support of the bill. Ms. Fisher-Byrialsen responded to questions regarding her opinion of the bill as-is as compared to amending it to strengthen it.
06:19:11 PM |
Nicole Duncan, representing herself, testified in support of SB 22-023.
Anne-Marie Moyes, representing the Korey Wise Innocence Project, testified in support of the bill.
Joyce Akhahenda, representing the Sam Cary Bar Association, testified in support of the bill.
06:33:41 PM |
Charles Hubbard, representing himself, testified in support of SB 22-023.
Ann Roan, representing the Colorado Criminal Defense Bar, testified in support of the bill. Ms. Roan responded to questions regarding how the bill will be an improvement over a judge's determination that an interrogation is inadmissible as evidence.
06:46:48 PM |
Representative Bacon explained the effect of amendment L.019 (Attachment A). Representative Carver explained the effect of amendment L.020 (Attachment B). Discussion ensued regarding the merits of these amendments.
06:55:03 PM
Motion |
Adopt amendment L.020 |
Moved |
Carver |
Seconded |
Luck |
Bacon |
No |
Benavidez |
No |
Bockenfeld |
Yes |
Carver |
Yes |
Daugherty |
No |
Luck |
Yes |
Lynch |
Yes |
Roberts |
Yes |
Woodrow |
No |
Tipper |
No |
Weissman |
No |
06:55:28 PM
Motion |
Adopt amendment L.019 |
Moved |
Bacon |
Seconded |
Weissman |
Bacon |
Benavidez |
Bockenfeld |
Carver |
Daugherty |
Luck |
Lynch |
Roberts |
Woodrow |
Tipper |
Weissman |
YES: 0 NO: 0 EXC: 0 ABS: 0 FINAL ACTION: Pass Without Objection |
06:55:30 PM |
Representatives Gonzales-Gutierrez and Bacon provided closing remarks in support of SB 22-023. Various committee members provided their positions on the bill.
07:21:53 PM
Motion |
Refer Senate Bill 22-023, as amended, to the Committee on Appropriations. |
Moved |
Bacon |
Seconded |
Tipper |
Bacon |
Yes |
Benavidez |
Yes |
Bockenfeld |
No |
Carver |
No |
Daugherty |
Yes |
Luck |
No |
Lynch |
No |
Roberts |
No |
Woodrow |
Yes |
Tipper |
Yes |
Weissman |
Yes |
Final |