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S_JUD_2022A 03/16/2022 10:20:30 AM Committee Summary

Date 03/16/2022
Cooke X
Gardner X
Rodriguez *
Gonzales *
Lee X
Time 10:20:30 AM to 11:38:42 AM
Place SCR 352
This Meeting was called to order by Lee
This Report was prepared by Juliann Jenson
Hearing Items Action Taken
HB22-1208 Referred to Senate Appropriations
HB22-1038 Amended, referred to the Committee of the Whole - Consent Calendar
HB22-1245 Referred to the Committee of the Whole - Consent Calendar
HB22-1250 Referred to the Committee of the Whole - Consent Calendar
HB22-1211 Amended, referred to the Committee of the Whole - Consent Calendar

HB22-1208 - Referred to Senate Appropriations

10:20:55 AM  

Senator Lee, bill sponsor, explained House Bill 22-1208, concerning changes to jail data collection requirements, and, in connection therewith, making an appropriation.  

Mr. Jack Reed, representing Colorado Department of Public Safety, was available to answer committee questions.

10:24:27 AM  
Dr Sharon Anable, representing self, testified in support of the bill.
10:26:49 AM  

The bill sponsor made closing remarks. 

10:28:19 AM
Motion Refer House Bill 22-1208 to the Committee on Appropriations.
Moved Lee
Cooke Yes
Gardner Yes
Rodriguez Yes
Gonzales Yes
Lee Yes
Final YES: 5   NO: 0   EXC: 0   ABS:  0   FINAL ACTION:  PASS

HB22-1038 - Amended, referred to the Committee of the Whole - Consent Calendar

10:28:42 AM  

Senators Moreno and Gardner, co-prime sponsors, presented House Bill 22-1038, concerning client-directed legal representation for youth in court proceedings for youth.  The bill sponsors discussed client-directed legal representation and a child-centered approach to court proceedings.

10:34:30 AM  

Samantha Little, representing self, testified in support of the bill.

Chris Henderson, representing the Office of the Child's Representative, testified in support of the bill.

Melanie Jordan, representing Office of Respondent Parents' Counsel, testified in support of the bill. She discussed client-directed representation. 

10:49:02 AM  

Ms. Gretchen Russo, representing Colorado Dept of Human Services, testified in support of the bill.

Committee members asked questions abut immigration status and unaccompanied refugees. 

10:55:50 AM  

The Chair referenced a packet of material in support of the measure distributed by Ms. Russo (Attachment A).

Kim Dvorchak, representing the National Association of Counsel for Children, testified in support of the measure.  She discussed model acts and rules that support client directed counsel.

Committee members discussed the best interest of the child and confidential attorney-client privilege.  

11:03:50 AM  

Benjamin Teevan, representing Fostering Colorado and Colorado Association of Family & Children’s Agencies, testified in support of the bill.

Makita Cotto, representing self, testified in support of the bill. She discussed the benefits of youth focused representation.

11:09:37 AM  

Senator Moreno distributed and presented Amendment L. 004 (Attachment B). 

11:10:22 AM
Motion Adopt amendment L.004 (Attachment B)
Moved Gardner
YES: 0   NO: 0   EXC: 0   ABS:  0   FINAL ACTION:  Pass Without Objection
11:10:34 AM  

The bill sponsors made closing remarks.

11:11:20 AM
Motion Refer House Bill 22-1038, as amended, to the Committee of the Whole and with a recommendation that it be placed on the consent calendar.
Moved Gardner
Cooke Yes
Gardner Yes
Rodriguez Yes
Gonzales Yes
Lee Yes
Final YES: 5   NO: 0   EXC: 0   ABS:  0   FINAL ACTION:  PASS

HB22-1245 - Referred to the Committee of the Whole - Consent Calendar

11:11:39 AM  

Senator Zenzinger, sponsor, presented House Bill 22-1245, concerning clarifications related to the foster youth in transition program.  She discussed that the bill provides technical clean-ups to the program and clarifies other elements, such as court authority and judicial findings.



11:15:01 AM  

Kristin Melton, representing Colorado Department of Human Services, testified in support of the bill.  She discussed petition requirements and clarity about where to file.  

Ashley Chase, representing Colorado Office of the Child's Representative, testified in support of the bill.

11:20:04 AM  

Senator Zenzinger made closing remarks.

11:21:20 AM
Motion Refer House Bill 22-1245 to the Committee of the Whole and with a recommendation that it be placed on the consent calendar.
Moved Gonzales
Cooke Yes
Gardner Excused
Rodriguez Yes
Gonzales Yes
Lee Yes
Final YES: 4   NO: 0   EXC: 1   ABS:  0   FINAL ACTION:  PASS

HB22-1250 - Referred to the Committee of the Whole - Consent Calendar

11:21:30 AM  

Senator Zenzinger explained House Bill 22-1250, concerning nonsubstantive changes to Title 7 of Colorado Revised Statutes. 

11:24:34 AM
Motion Refer House Bill 22-1250 to the Committee of the Whole and with a recommendation that it be placed on the consent calendar.
Moved Gonzales
Cooke Yes
Gardner Excused
Rodriguez Yes
Gonzales Yes
Lee Yes
Final YES: 4   NO: 0   EXC: 1   ABS:  0   FINAL ACTION:  PASS

HB22-1211 - Amended, referred to the Committee of the Whole - Consent Calendar

11:24:49 AM  

Senators Lee and Gardner, co-prime sponsors, presented House Bill 22-1211, concerning the continuation of the committee on juvenile justice reform, and in connection therewith, implementing the recommendation contained in the 2021 sunset report by the department of regulatory agencies to sunset the committee on juvenile justice reform. 

The bill sponsors explained reasons for continuing the committee and extending the repeal date. 

11:31:37 AM  

Joe Thome, representing CO Division of Criminal Justice, Department of Public Safety, testified in support of the bill.

11:36:57 AM  

Senator Gardner distributed and presented Amendment L.004 about extending the repeal date (Attachment C).

11:37:17 AM
Motion Adopt amendment L.004 (Attachment C)
Moved Gardner
YES: 0   NO: 0   EXC: 0   ABS:  0   FINAL ACTION:  Pass Without Objection
11:37:19 AM  

The bill sponsors made closing remarks.

11:38:32 AM
Motion Refer House Bill 22-1211, as amended, to the Committee of the Whole and with a recommendation that it be placed on the consent calendar.
Moved Gardner
Cooke Yes
Gardner Yes
Rodriguez Excused
Gonzales Yes
Lee Yes
Final YES: 4   NO: 0   EXC: 1   ABS:  0   FINAL ACTION:  PASS

11:38:42 AM   The committee adjourned.

The effective date for bills enacted without a safety clause is August 6, 2025, if the General Assembly adjourns sine die on May 7, 2025 (unless otherwise specified). Details

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