Date Mar 7, 2022
Location HCR 0112
HB22-1062 - Committee Discussion Only - Laid Over
01:43:35 PM |
Minority Leader McKean, prime sponsor, presented House Bill 22-1062. The bill expands the existing sales and use tax exemption for food for domestic home consumption, to all sales of food beginning January 1, 2023. He responded to questions from the committee.
01:53:16 PM |
The committee continued to discuss the bill with Minority Leader McKean.
01:58:43 PM |
Committee questioning of Minority Leader McKean continued.
02:03:30 PM |
Nick Hoover, representing the Colorado Restaurant Association, testified in support of the bill.
02:04:12 PM |
Minority Leader McKean provided amendment L.002 (Attachment D). He responded to questions from the committee about the amendment.
02:17:49 PM
Motion |
Adopt amendment L.002 (Attachment D). |
Moved |
Sandridge |
Seconded |
Soper |
Benavidez |
Daugherty |
Gray |
Kipp |
Luck |
Excused |
Rich |
Sandridge |
Soper |
Tipper |
Snyder |
Bird |
YES: 0 NO: 0 EXC: 1 ABS: 0 FINAL ACTION: Pass Without Objection |
02:17:51 PM |
Pierce Lively, representing the Office of Legislative Legal Services, joined the committee to respond to questions about the bill and the amendment.
02:17:58 PM |
The committee took a brief recess.
02:18:17 PM |
The committee returned to order. Representative Bird announced that the bill would be laid over for action at a later date.