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E0DFC111FC51A8C8872587D0007DCA9A Hearing Summary


Date Jan 20, 2022      
Location Old State Library

SMART Act presentation from the Colorado Department of Education - Committee Discussion Only

03:54:04 PM  
Senator Zenzinger
invited Katy Anthes, Commissioner of Education, Colorado Department of
Education (CDE) to begin her presentation, which can be found as Attachment
E.  Additional documents pertaining to the SMART Act can be found
as Attachments F, G, and H.  Commissioner Anthes reviewed the department's
mission and values, its budget request for FY 2022-23, student academic
achievement, and the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on student learning.

04:06:58 PM  
Dr. Anthes and Scott
Jones, Chief Strategic Recovery Officer for CDE, told the committee about
Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief funding received by the
department and plans moving forward.  Mr. Jones explained that the
state allocation is meant to aid Colorado's education recovery effort,
as well as provide targeted supplemental funding.  Dr. Anthes and
Mr. Jones answered questions from the committee.  Dr. Anthes spoke
about the department's strong foundations work on early childhood and the
Reading to Ensure Academic Achievement (READ) Act, along with Dr. Floyd
Cobb, Executive Director of Teaching and Learning, and Dr. Melissa Colsman,
Associate Commissioner of Student Learning, for CDE.  Dr. Cobb provided
an update on the implementation of Senate Bill 19-199.
04:31:01 PM  
Dr. Anthes spoke
about the department's strategic goal of supporting quality schools by
maximizing support for districts identified as needing academic improvements.
 She discussed graduation and drop out rates during the 2020-2021
school year.  Dr. Anthes introduced Dr. Colleen O'Neil, Associate
Commissioner of Educator Talent, who spoke about educator workforce challenges
and the department's initiatives to support educators.
04:51:30 PM  
Dr. Anthes concluded by speaking about the impact of the recent wildfires in Boulder County on students and teachers and how the department is working to support the district. She answered questions from the committee.
04:59:59 PM  
Dr. Anthes continued to answer questions from the committee.

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