Date Feb 23, 2022
Location Old Supreme Court
SB22-117 - Committee Discussion Only
01:40:44 PM |
Sens. Coram and Fields
introduced Senate Bill 22-117. The bill adds a definition of gross
receipts to statute that stipulates when money is received by a licensee
from an out-of-state simulcast facility, gross receipts is the amount received
after the out-of-state facility has deducted costs, signal fees, and taxes
that it pays to its regulatory and taxing authorities. The sponsors
answered several committee questions. Written testimony may be found
in Attachment A.
01:42:31 PM |
Mr. James Mulvihill,
representing the Colorado Horse Racing Association, testified in opposition
to the bill. Mr. Howie Chavers, representing the Rocky Mountain Quarter
Horse Association, testified in opposition to the bill. Ms. Kim Oliver,
representing the Colorado Horse Racing Association, testified in opposition
to the bill.
01:50:49 PM |
Mr. Reid Jenkins, representing himself, testified in support of the bill. Mr. Tom Downey, representing Arapahoe Park, testified in support of the bill.
02:22:57 PM |
Committee discussion ensued with several witnesses.
02:30:48 PM |
Mr. Shannon Rushton, representing Ballyâs Arapahoe Park, testified in support of the bill. Mr. Bruce Seymore, representing Ballyâs Arapahoe Park, testified in support of the bill.
02:35:01 PM |
Sen. Coram gave some
closing comments. The bill was laid over for action only to a future