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C23572258C0FB82F8725873B005B6C2D Hearing Summary


Date Aug 24, 2021      
Location SCR 357

Update on Federal COVID-19 Funding - Committee Discussion Only

10:38:38 AM  
Kate Bartlett, Colorado
Department of Education (CDE), discussed federal funding that Colorado
received during the COVID-19 pandemic. A large amount of funding came from
 Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief (ESSER) Funds with
the intention of addressing the impact that COVID-19 has had on education.
ESSER funds were established as three different funding streams: ESSER
1, designated under the CARES Act for the purpose of  crisis response;
ESSER II, established under the Coronavirus Response and Relief Supplemental
Appropriations Act for resuming and sustaining in-person instruction; and
ESSER III, established under the American Rescue Plan Act for the purpose
of aiding in recovery.

Ms. Bartlett also shared information on additional federal funds for education
such as the Governor's Emergency Education Relief fund, Coronavirus Relief
Funds for education, and emergency assistance for non-public schools. She
shared that CDE is actively working to ensure that schools receive as much
information and opportunity as possible to receive these funds.  

Ms. Bartlett responded to questions from the committee regarding federal
funds and compensatory services.

Ms Bartlett's presentation was sent to members of the committee and can
be accessed here:
10:57:40 AM  
Kate Barlett shared
that ESSER allocations are calculated using the Title I formula; however,
these funds may be used for any allowable activities under ESSER funding
guidelines and are not subject to Title I requirements.Coronavirus Relief
Funds were distributed on a per-pupil basis that incorporated factors from
the School Finance Formula.

Ms. Bartlett and Jennifer Okes, also with CDE, answered questions from
the committee regarding the distribution of Coronavirus Relief Funds, federal
government audits around funding uses, and CDE's efforts to review applications
for funding to ensure that they're consistent with the allowable uses listed
in the funding guidelines.
11:08:18 AM  
Kate Bartlett continued
her presentation by explaining the ten largest total ESSER & Coronavirus
Relief Fund allocations. She also described the allowable and common uses
of district ESSER funding. Ms. Bartlett responded to questions from the
committee regarding ESSER applications, funding distribution, and spending.

Ms. Bartlett provided an overview on how the state broke down the ESSER
funds that have been set aside. Ms. Okes explained the methods that CDE
took to distribute funding to the districts.
11:24:18 AM  
Ms. Bartlett responded
to questions from the committee regarding student enrollment for fall 2021
in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic.