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2CF89728B129274D872586A8006FE012 Hearing Summary


Date Mar 30, 2021      
Location HCR 0112

SB21-115 - Referred to House Appropriations

02:22:00 PM  

Representative Larson, bill sponsor, introduced SB21-115. Under current law, the General Assembly is authorized to annually appropriate money from the Colorado Telephone Users with Disabilities Fund to support Colorado Talking Book Library services for persons who are blind or physically disabled.  The bill modifies the law to require this annual appropriation, and appropriates $250,000 to the Colorado Talking Book Library in FY 2021-22.

02:22:33 PM  
Representative Titone, bill sponsor, gave opening remarks on the bill.
02:23:02 PM  
Committee members commented on the bill.
02:23:15 PM  
Debbi MacLeod, representing
Friends of Colorado Talking Book Library, testified in support of the bill.
She read the testimony of two individuals to the committee.
02:25:00 PM  
Representatives Titone and Larson gave final remarks on the bill.
02:30:26 PM  
Committee members made final remarks on the bill.

02:31:45 PM
Motion Refer Senate Bill 21-115 to the Committee on Appropriations.
Moved Larson
Seconded Gonzales-Gutierrez
Bradfield Yes
Cutter Yes
Gonzales-Gutierrez Yes
Holtorf Yes
Jodeh Yes
Larson Yes
Ortiz Yes
Pelton Yes
Ricks Excused
Woog Yes
Young Yes
Duran Yes
Sirota Yes
Final YES: 12   NO: 0   EXC: 1   ABS:  0   FINAL ACTION:  PASS