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08A70D3C36A15C6D8725851A0066A7E5 Hearing Summary


Date Feb 26, 2020      
Location LSB B

SB20-156 - Amended, referred to Senate Appropriations

11:19:49 AM  

Senator Moreno, bill sponsor, presented Senate Bill 20-166 and distributed amendments L.001 and L.003 (Attachments D and E).  Current law requires that the total cost of preventive services recommended by the U.S. Preventive Services Task Force with a grade of A or B be covered without cost sharing requirements by insurance plans under the jurisdiction of the Division of Insurance (DOI) in the Department of Regulatory Agencies (DORA).  The bill codifies some of these preventive health care services, and adds or expands upon other required coverage, including:

  • osteoporosis screening for individuals age 60-64;
  • anemia screening; urinary incontinence screening; and
  • screening and treatment of sexually transmitted infections (STIs).

In addition, the bill modifies requirements for health care providers and facilities when examining or treating a minor for an STI. The bill specifies that, if necessary, a provider must administer, dispense, or prescribe preventive measures or medications.  Lastly, the bill requires that Medicaid cover family planning and family planning related services, as defined in the bill, and establishes that such services must be provided without cost sharing for the client.  The bill authorizes reimbursement for such services for any licensed health care provider.

11:24:07 AM  

Michael Crews, One Colorado, testified in support of the bill.  Kara Lukin, representing herself, testified in support of the bill.  Emma Sargent, Colorado Consumer Health Initiative, testified in support of the bill. Callie Shelton, representing herself, testified in support of the bill.

11:34:17 AM  

Karlee Tebbutt, Colorado Association of Health Plans, testified in a neutral position on the bill. Andrea Stojsavljevic, Healthier Colorado, testified in support of the bill.  Jeanette Hensley, Colorado Senior Lobby, testified in support of the bill.

11:41:21 AM  

Erin Miller, Colorado Children's Campaign, testified in support of the bill.

11:42:51 AM  

Elizabeth Hinkley, ACLU, testified in support of the bill. Dana Villareal, representing herself, testified in support of the bill. Lydia Waligorski, Violence Free Colorado, testified in support of the bill. Jack Teter, Planned Parenthood of the Rocky Mountains, testified in support of the bill.  Committee questions followed.

11:56:06 AM  

Brittney Randle, representing herself, testified against the bill.  Jami Lynne, representing herself, testified in against the bill.  Amanda Hepner, representing herself, testified against the bill.  A woman who did not identify herself, representing herself, testified against the bill.

12:05:07 PM  

Dayna Sandidge, representing herself, testified against the bill.  Rebecca Quinlan, representing herself, testified against the bill. Michael Quinlan, representing himself, testified against the bill.  Leigh Wallmann, representing herself, testified against the bill. Committee discussion and questions followed.

12:19:34 PM  

Jessie Schall, representing herself, testified against the bill. Sarah Nichols, representing herself, testified against the bill.  Debi Sievers, representing herself, testified against the bill.  Denice Dirke, Concerned Colorado, testified against the bill.

12:28:44 PM  

Jennifer Olmstead, representing herself, testified against the bill. Dorine Tchoudine, representing himself, testified against the bill. Amber Jones, representing herself, testified against the bill. Kiele Gengler, representing herself, testified against the bill.

12:35:44 PM  

Cinthia Williamson, representing herself, testified against the bill. Mary Salh, representing herself, testified against the bill. Beth Fisher, representing herself, testified against the bill.  Julie Denson, representing herself, testified against the bill.

12:45:13 PM  

Teresa Wrangham, National Vaccine Information Center, testified against the bill. DeNae VanWestrienen, representing herself, testified against the bill. Cindy Hoffman, representing herself, testified against the bill. Sarah Carrasuo, representing herself, testified against the bill.

12:56:55 PM  

Nancy Eason, representing herself, testified against the bill. Patty Lynn, representing herself, testified against the bill. Shelley O'Neill, representing herself, testified against the bill.

01:07:42 PM  

Laura Courtney, representing herself, testified against the bill.  Amanda Kulp, representing herself, testified against the bill.  Kimberly M., representing herself, testified against the bill. Trisha Winslow, representing herself, testified against the bill.

01:19:42 PM  

Megan Welp, representing herself, testified against the bill.  Shanna Mossberger, representing herself, testified against the bill.  Pam Long, representing herself, testified against the bill.  Aliyah Ulrich, representing herself, testified against the bill.

01:26:45 PM  

Joyanna Goslovich, representing herself, testified against the bill.  Heather Lahdenpera, representing herself, testified against the bill. Katie Walker, representing herself, testified against the bill.  Laurel Flahive, representing herself, testified against the bill.

01:35:20 PM  

Theresa Chavez, representing herself, testified against the bill.  Danielle Carr, representing herself, testified against the bill.  Suzanne Sank, representing herself, testified against the bill.  Natalie Chiappone, representing herself, testified against the bill.

01:43:40 PM  

Tina Aurora, representing herself, testified against the bill. Shandy Laskey, representing herself, testified against the bill. Jan Cook, representing herself, testified against the bill. Spirit Wilson, representing herself, testified against the bill.

01:43:41 PM  

Handouts distributed during the witness testimony may be found in Attachment F.  Written testimony submitted during the committee hearing may be found in Attachment G.

01:53:55 PM  

Senator Moreno discussed the amendments L.001, L.002, L004, and L.007 (Attachments D, E, H, and I) and made closing comments. Committee questions and discussion followed.

02:00:05 PM
Motion Adopt amendment L.001 (Attachment D).
Moved Winter
YES: 0   NO: 0   EXC: 0   ABS:  0   FINAL ACTION:  Pass Without Objection

02:00:37 PM
Motion Adopt amendment L.003 (Attachment E).
Moved Winter
YES: 0   NO: 0   EXC: 0   ABS:  0   FINAL ACTION:  Pass Without Objection

02:00:54 PM
Motion Adopt amendment L.004 (Attachment H).
Moved Winter
YES: 0   NO: 0   EXC: 0   ABS:  0   FINAL ACTION:  Pass Without Objection

02:01:16 PM
Motion Adopt amendment L.007 (Attachment I).
Moved Winter
YES: 0   NO: 0   EXC: 0   ABS:  0   FINAL ACTION:  Pass Without Objection

02:05:36 PM
Motion Refer Senate Bill 20-156, as amended, to the Committee on Appropriations.
Moved Winter
Crowder No
Ginal Yes
Smallwood No
Winter Yes
Fields Yes
Final YES: 3   NO: 2   EXC: 0   ABS:  0   FINAL ACTION:  PASS