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79FFE2C8D56EC1CB872585130068E825 Hearing Summary


Date Feb 19, 2020      
Location HCR 0112

HB20-1206 - Committee Discussion Only

12:06:00 PM  

Representative Michaelson Jenet and Representative Landgraf, bill sponsors, introduced House Bill 20-1206.  The bill continues the regulation of mental health professionals, including psychologists, social workers, professional counselors, marriage and family therapists, registered psychotherapists, and addiction counselors, for nine years, through 2029.  The bill also implements regulatory changes based on the recommendations of the sunset report.  These changes include:

  • allowing the staff of a mental health board to approve applications for licensure, certification, and registration without board ratification unless the board deems ratification necessary;
  • requiring mental health professionals to disclose to clients that medical records may not be maintained after seven years;
  • expanding the number of mental health professions covered by title protection;
  • making conviction of a crime related to a mental health practice and the failure to report a felony conviction a violation of the mental health practice acts;
  • permitting the appropriate regulatory board to suspend a mental health professional's license, certification, or registration for failure to comply with a board-ordered mental or physical health examination;
  • repealing the requirement that a candidate for a social work license be supervised by a licensed social worker and allowing supervision of an applicant for a social work license to be done virtually;
  • requiring applicants for initial psychology licensure to complete a criminal history record check;
  • repealing the requirement that members of mental health boards be United States citizens;
  • granting rule-making authority to the State Board of Addiction Counselor Examiners and requiring the State Board of Human Services in the Department of Human Services to establish education requirements for addiction counselors.


The bill also clarifies that:

  • mental health professionals may administer opiate antagonists;
  • students practicing in a school program are exempt from licensing, certification, and registration requirements;
  • mental health professionals are not prohibited from offering or accepting payment for services provided from a referral;
  • mental health professionals may disclose confidential communications if there is a threat to a school or its employees; and
  • course work is the only professional competency activity that fulfills all continuing competency requirements for licensed social workers and licensed clinical social workers.
12:17:18 PM  

Dr. Ryan Burkhart, representing himself, testified about the bill.

12:22:23 PM  

Dr. Amanda Marsh Baranski, representing herself, testified in support of the bill.

12:25:19 PM  

Dr. Rick Ginsburg, Colorado Psychological Association, testified in support of the bill.

12:28:28 PM  

Krista Spiecher, American Association of Marriage and Family Therapy - Colorado, testified about the bill and amendments.

12:32:00 PM  

Jennifer Place, Colorado Association of Addiction Professionals, testified about the bill.

12:35:32 PM  

The previous panel of witnesses responded to questions from the committee.

12:58:58 PM  

Dr. Reo Leslie Jr., Colorado Association of Psychotherapists, testified about the bill and amendments and distributed a handout to the committee (Attachment D).

01:04:14 PM  

Shannon Harrison, representing herself, testified against the bill. Steven Krautkramer, Colorado Association of Psychotherapists, testified against the bill. Carol O'Dowd, Colorado Association of Psychotherapists, testified about the bill and amendments. Kat Shea, Colorado Association of Psychotherapists, testified about the bill and amendments and submitted written testimony for the record (Attachment E).

01:16:25 PM  

The previous panel of witnesses responded to questions from the committee.

01:36:21 PM  

Committee questions continued.

01:40:20 PM  

Dr. Lisa Woodrich, Colorado Psychological Association, testified about the bill. Dr. Erin Jacklin, Colorado Psychological Association, testified in support of the bill and discussed the amendments. Dr. Elizabeth Chamberlin, Colorado Psychological Association, testified in support of the bill and amendment L.001.

01:53:17 PM  

The previous panel of witnesses responded to questions from the committee.

01:59:48 PM  

Representative Michaelson Jenet made closing comments on the bill.

02:00:06 PM  

Representative Singer laid the bill over.  The bill will be reopened for additional public testimony at a later date.