10:53:14 AM |
Representatives Ginal and Sias, bill sponsors, explained House Bill 18-1365 to the committee. The bill establishes a primary care payment reform collaborative in the Primary Care Office of the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment.
11:00:36 AM |
Dr. Zach Wachtl, representing the Colorado Academy of Family Physicians, testified in support of the bill.
11:03:18 AM |
Dr. David Keller, representing the American
Academy of Pediatrics, testified in support of the bill.
11:05:35 AM |
Emily Zadvorny, representing the University of Colorado School of Pharmacy and the Colorado Pharmacist Society, testified in support of the bill.
11:09:14 AM |
Dr. Wachtl and Dr. Keller responded to committee questions.
11:15:29 AM |
Laura Larson, representing Colorado Community Health Network and the Metro Community Provider Network, testified in support of the bill.
11:17:33 AM |
Elizabeth Arenales, representing the Colorado Center on Law and Policy, testified in support of the bill.
11:20:43 AM |
Dr. Judy Zerzan, representing the Colorado Department of Health Care Policy and Financing, testified in support of the bill.
11:24:51 AM |
Peg Brown, Division of Insurance, and Stephen Holloway, Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment, came to the table for questions only.
11:27:51 AM |
T.R. Reid, representing himself, testified in support of the bill.
11:29:19 AM |
Dr. Paul Grundy, representing Health Team Work, testified in support of the bill.
11:32:22 AM |
Dr. Grundy and Mr. Reid responded to committee questions.
11:37:10 AM |
Representative Esgar concluded witness testimony.
11:41:28 AM |
Representative Ginal distributed and explained amendments L.001, L.002 and L.003 [Attachment A, B, and C].
11:42:11 AM |
Representatives Ginal and Sias responded to committee questions.
11:46:15 AM
Motion |
Adopt amendment L.001 [Attachment A]. |
Moved |
Ginal |
Seconded |
Lontine |
Beckman |
Buckner |
Covarrubias |
Hooton |
Humphrey |
Jackson |
Kennedy |
Landgraf |
Lontine |
Ransom |
Wilson |
Esgar |
Ginal |
YES: 0 NO: 0 EXC: 0 ABS: 0 FINAL ACTION: Pass Without Objection |
11:48:30 AM |
Committee discussion ensued.
11:55:04 AM
Motion |
Adopt amendment L.002 [Attachment B]. |
Moved |
Ginal |
Seconded |
Lontine |
Beckman |
Buckner |
Covarrubias |
Hooton |
Humphrey |
Jackson |
Kennedy |
Landgraf |
Lontine |
Ransom |
Wilson |
Esgar |
Ginal |
YES: 0 NO: 0 EXC: 0 ABS: 0 FINAL ACTION: Withdrawn |
11:57:28 AM |
Jeff Thermodsgaard,representing himself, came to the table to respond to committee questions.
11:58:34 AM |
Kristen Forrestal, Office of Legislative Legal Services, came to the table to respond to committee questions.
12:03:13 PM |
Representatives Ginal and Sias made closing remarks.
12:07:15 PM |
Committee members commented on the bill.
12:08:43 PM
Motion |
Refer House Bill 18-1365, as amended, to the Committee on Legislative Council. |
Moved |
Ginal |
Seconded |
Hooton |
Beckman |
Yes |
Buckner |
Yes |
Covarrubias |
Yes |
Hooton |
Yes |
Humphrey |
No |
Jackson |
Yes |
Kennedy |
Yes |
Landgraf |
Yes |
Lontine |
Yes |
Ransom |
No |
Wilson |
Yes |
Esgar |
Yes |
Ginal |
Yes |
Final |