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FB679578BBDE774C8725850700064EAC Hearing Summary


Date Feb 6, 2020      
Location Old State Library

HB20-1110 - Referred to House Appropriations

06:08:58 PM  

Representatives McLachlan and Exum, co-prime sponsors of the bill, introduced HB1110, creating the Emergency Completion and Retention Grant Program in the Department of Higher Education. The sponsors answered questions from the committee.

06:13:27 PM  

Emily Burns, representing the Colorado Department of Higher Education, testified in support of the bill.

06:15:02 PM  

Laura Ware, representing the Colorado Center on Law and Policy, testified in support of the bill.

06:18:10 PM  

Dhivahara Vivek, representing Young Invincibles, testified in support of the bill.

06:21:24 PM  

Kim Tolchinsky, representing Young Invincibles, testified in support of the bill.

06:26:26 PM  

Matthew Vondrasek, representing the United Government of Graduate Students at the University of Colorado Boulder, testified in favor of the bill. The panel responded to questions from the committee.

06:35:25 PM  

Representatives McLachlan and Exum gave closing remarks.

06:36:51 PM
Motion Refer House Bill 20-1110 to the Committee on Appropriations.
Moved McLachlan
Seconded Exum
Baisley No
Buck No
Buckner Yes
Caraveo Yes
Coleman Yes
Cutter Yes
Exum Yes
Geitner No
Larson No
Michaelson Jenet Yes
Wilson No
Buentello Yes
McLachlan Yes
Final YES: 8   NO: 5   EXC: 0   ABS:  0   FINAL ACTION:  PASS