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999CBFB58A8B04E187258500006CC43E Hearing Summary


Date Jan 31, 2020      
Location HCR 0112

HB20-1113 - Committee Discussion Only

12:48:06 PM  

Representatives Titone and Landgraf, sponsors, introduced House Bill 20-1113. This bill requires the Office of Behavioral Health (OBH), with assistance from the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment (CDPHE), the Suicide Prevention Commission, and a statewide organization representing a network of community behavioral health providers, to develop a website that provides information and resources for individuals seeking behavioral health care services. Any organization or individual may request to be added to the website. The bill also allows the OBH to accept any gifts, grants, or donations to develop this website. The website must be up by July 1, 2020, and include:

•   information about the Colorado See ME campaign;

•   information about the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline; and

•   demographic-specific information about behavioral health care providers available in each geographic region.

Representative Titone distributed handouts (Attachments C, D, E, F, and G).

12:59:58 PM  

The sponsors responded to questions from the committee.

01:14:28 PM  

Representative Titone discussed a possible amendment.

01:15:21 PM  

Dr. Apryl Alexander, University of Denver, testified in favor of the bill. She distributed two handouts to the committee members (Attachments H and I).

01:20:52 PM  

Dr. Sarah Davidon, Mental Health Colorado, testified in favor of the bill.

01:24:01 PM  

Sponsors made closing comments on the bill.

01:27:15 PM  

Committee members made closing comments on the bill.

01:28:56 PM  

Representative Singer laid the bill over after public testimony concluded.