02:49:19 PM |
Representative Michaelson Jenet, bill sponsor, presented House Bill 18-1306 to the committee. The bill requires that the Department of Human Services and county human service offices provide transportation to the school of origin when a student is in out-of-home placement. The bill creates a grant program and a permanent coordinator position in the Colorado Department of Education to assist local education providers with education related services to students in foster care.
02:49:20 PM |
Representative Singer proceeded with witness testimony on the bill.
02:55:24 PM |
Sister Michael Dolores Allegry, representing herself, testified in support of HB 18-1306.
03:01:37 PM |
Director Reggie Biccha, the Colorado Department of Human Services, testified in support of HB 18-1306, HB 18-1319, and HB 18-1348. Director Biccha responded to committee questions.
03:09:16 PM |
Representative Michaelson Jenet responded to committee questions.
03:09:35 PM |
Katherine Page, representing herself, testified in support of HB 18-1348. Ms. Page responded to committee questions.
03:21:08 PM |
Chaz Tedesco, Adams County Commissioner, testified in support of HB 18-1306, HB 18-1319, and HB 18-1348.
03:25:27 PM |
Benjamin Waters, Foster in Colorado and Mile High United Way, testified in support of HB 18-1306.
03:26:44 PM |
Kristina Smith, representing herself, testified in support of HB 18-1306 and HB 18-1348.
03:30:11 PM |
Michayla Collins, representing herself, testified in support of HB 18-1306, HB 18-1319, and HB 18-1348.
03:33:44 PM |
Gloria Mendez, representing herself, testified in support of HB 18-1306, HB 18-1319, and HB 18-1348.
03:37:00 PM |
Luisa Hernandez, representing herself, testified in support of HB 18-1306.
03:42:38 PM |
Ms. Hernandez, Ms. Mendez, and Mr. Tedesco responded to committee questions.
03:46:16 PM |
Jenny Bender, Court Appointed Special Advocates, testified in support of HB 18-1306, HB 18-1319, and HB 18-1348.
03:53:07 PM |
Tori Shuler, Fostering Great Ideas, testified
in support of HB 18-1306.
04:01:00 PM |
Cynthia Butler, representing herself, testified in support of HB 18-1348.
04:07:34 PM |
Ms. Shuler, Ms. Bender, and Ms. Butler responded to committee questions.
04:19:55 PM |
Leah Curtsinger, representing herself,
testified in support of HB 18-1348.
04:22:41 PM |
Connie Rule, Boys and Girls Club, testified in support of HB 18-1306.
04:26:16 PM |
Kaleo George, representing herself, testified in support of HB 18-1306.
04:30:44 PM |
Ms. Curtsinger responded to committee questions.
04:33:50 PM |
Ashley Chase, Office of the Child's Representative, testified in support of HB 18-1306 and HB 18-1319.
04:41:06 PM |
Tiffany Noelle Brown, representing herself, testified in support of House Bill 18-1306 and House Bill 18-1348.
04:45:09 PM |
Renee Bernhart, Foster Source, testified in support of HB 18-1306, HB 18-1319, and HB 18-1348.
04:49:56 PM |
Riley Kitts, Colorado Association of School Board, testified in a neutral capacity on HB 18-1306.
04:51:18 PM |
Joanna McFarland, HopSkipDrive, testified in support of HB 18-1306.
04:53:06 PM |
Brian Brinkerhoff, Colorado Youth for Change, testified in support of HB 18-1306.
04:54:35 PM |
Dr. Skip Barber, Colorado Association of Family and Children's Agencies, testified in support of HB 18-1306, HB 18-1319, and HB 18-1348.
05:00:01 PM |
Ms. McFarland responded to committee questions.
05:04:38 PM |
Wendy Hollister, representing herself, testified in support of HB 18-1348.
05:07:50 PM |
Dave Brown, representing himself, testified in support of HB 18-1348.
05:08:44 PM |
Justin Finesilver, representing himself, testified in support of HB 18-1348.
05:13:31 PM |
Mr. Finesilver, Mr. Brown, and Ms. Hollister responded to committee questions.
05:19:12 PM |
Representative Michaelson distributed amendments L.001 [Attachment C] and L.003 [Attachment D], and described them to the committee.
05:25:30 PM
Motion |
Adopt amendment L.001 (Attachment C). |
Moved |
Michaelson Jenet |
Seconded |
Danielson |
Beckman |
No |
Catlin |
Excused |
Everett |
Excused |
Ginal |
Yes |
Hooton |
Yes |
Landgraf |
Yes |
Lontine |
Yes |
Michaelson Jenet |
Yes |
Pettersen |
Yes |
Ransom |
No |
Winkler |
No |
Danielson |
Yes |
Singer |
Yes |
05:25:31 PM |
Committee members discussed the amendments.
05:26:09 PM
Motion |
Adopt amendment L.003 (Attachment D). |
Moved |
Michaelson Jenet |
Seconded |
Lontine |
Beckman |
Catlin |
Excused |
Everett |
Excused |
Ginal |
Hooton |
Landgraf |
Lontine |
Michaelson Jenet |
Pettersen |
Ransom |
Winkler |
Danielson |
Singer |
YES: 0 NO: 0 EXC: 2 ABS: 0 FINAL ACTION: Pass Without Objection |
05:26:10 PM |
Representative Michaelson Jenet gave concluding remarks on the bill.
05:26:36 PM |
Committee members commented on the bill.
05:34:40 PM
Motion |
Refer House Bill 18-1306, as amended, to the Committee on Appropriations. |
Moved |
Michaelson Jenet |
Seconded |
Pettersen |
Beckman |
No |
Catlin |
Excused |
Everett |
Excused |
Ginal |
Yes |
Hooton |
Yes |
Landgraf |
No |
Lontine |
Yes |
Michaelson Jenet |
Yes |
Pettersen |
Yes |
Ransom |
No |
Winkler |
No |
Danielson |
Yes |
Singer |
Yes |
Final |