02:52:37 PM |
Representatives Duran and Winter presented and summarized House Bill 18-1391 concerning sexual misconduct in higher education. The sponsors answered questions from the committee.
03:05:54 PM |
Jeaneatte Grey Gilbert, representing Regis
University, spoke for questions only. She discussed the policies in higher
education for victims of sexual misconduct.
03:08:12 PM |
Erica Westin, representing the University
of Colorado, spoke for questions only. She discussed the importance of
establishing a statewide policy regarding sexual misconduct.
03:09:49 PM |
Michelle Merz Hutchunson, representing the Colorado School of Mines, spoke for questions only.
03:10:23 PM |
The previous three witnesses answered questions from the committee.
03:20:10 PM |
Committee discussion ensued regarding the process in institutions of higher education for reviewing cases of sexual misconduct.
03:28:38 PM |
Cari Simon, representing the Fierberg National Law Group, testified in support of the bill.
03:32:35 PM |
John Clune, representing Hutchison Black and Cook Attorneys at Law, testified in support of the bill.
03:34:56 PM |
Pat O'Rourke, University Counsel and Secretary of the Board of Regents of the University of Colorado, testified in support of the bill.
03:35:59 PM |
The previous three witnesses answered questions from the committee regarding the administrative process of sexual misconduct and the potential impact on criminal proceedings.
03:50:14 PM |
Committee discussion ensued.
04:10:29 PM |
The sponsors answered questions from the committee.
04:11:36 PM |
Tyler Coward, representing the Foundation of Individual Rights in Education, testified in opposition of the bill. He discussed his concerns with the bill. He answered questions from the committee.
04:21:47 PM |
Mr. Coward continue to answer questions from the committee.
04:23:12 PM |
Jess Davidson, representing End Rape on Campus, testified in support of the bill. She discussed her personal experience as a rape victim. Ms. Davidson answered questions from the committee.
04:27:55 PM |
Ken Fowler, representing herself, testified in support of the bill. She shared her personal experience as a rape victim.
04:32:51 PM |
Jessica Higgins, representing herself, testified in support of the bill. She shared her personal experience as a rape victim.
04:33:29 PM |
Raana Simmons, representing the Colorado Coalition Against Sexual Assault, testified in support of the bill. She answered questions from the committee.
04:45:00 PM |
Ms. Simon and Mr. Clune were brought back
to the table to answer questions.
04:54:50 PM |
The sponsors answered questions from the
04:58:49 PM |
Committee discussion ensued about referring
the bill to the House Judiciary Committee.
05:03:04 PM |
The sponsors distributed and discussed amendment L.003 [Attachment C].
05:03:58 PM
Motion |
Adopt amendment L.003 |
Moved |
Garnett |
Seconded |
Lee |
Bridges |
Everett |
Exum |
Garnett |
Lee |
Leonard |
Lundeen |
McLachlan |
Reyher |
Sias |
Wilson |
Buckner |
Pettersen |
YES: 0 NO: 0 EXC: 0 ABS: 0 FINAL ACTION: Pass Without Objection |
05:03:58 PM |
The sponsors provided closing comments
on the bill.
05:09:02 PM |
The committee members provided closing comments on the bill.
05:24:42 PM
Motion |
Refer House Bill 18-1391, as amended, to the Committee of the Whole. |
Moved |
Pettersen |
Seconded |
McLachlan |
Bridges |
Yes |
Everett |
No |
Exum |
Yes |
Garnett |
Yes |
Lee |
Yes |
Leonard |
No |
Lundeen |
No |
McLachlan |
Yes |
Reyher |
No |
Sias |
No |
Wilson |
No |
Buckner |
Yes |
Pettersen |
Yes |
Final |