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05E0DEC7F1B551F88725824300717536 Hearing Summary


Date Mar 1, 2018      
Location SCR 352

HB18-1005 - Referred to the Committee of the Whole

01:39:17 PM  

Senator Hill stated that witness testimony would be taken on House Bill 18-1005 and House Bill 18-1052 at the same time.  Senator Priola, sponsor, presented HB 18-1005 which concerns notice of postsecondary course enrollment options available to high school students. Senator Todd, sponsor, presented HB 18-1052 which concerns local education providers' receipt of concurrent enrollment courses from a two-year institution of higher education outside of the institution's approved service area when the institution approved to serve the local education provider declines to provide concurrent enrollment courses.  Two handouts were distributed to the committee [Attachments A and B].

01:40:42 PM  

Landon Pirius, representing the Colorado Community College System (CCCS), spoke in support of HB 18-1005 and HB 18-1052.

01:46:47 PM  

Andy Dorsey, President of Front Range Community College, spoke in support of HB 18-1005 and HB 18-1052.  He referenced the letters found as Attachments A and B.

01:54:25 PM
Motion Refer House Bill 18-1005 to the Committee of the Whole.
Moved Priola
Gardner Yes
Merrifield Yes
Neville T. No
Todd Yes
Zenzinger Yes
Priola Yes
Hill No
Final YES: 5   NO: 2   EXC: 0   ABS:  0   FINAL ACTION:  PASS