10:21:12 AM |
Representative Liston and Representative Valdez, co-prime bill sponsors, presented House Bill 18-1077. The bill enhances the sentence for second degree burglary from a class 4 felony to a class 3 felony if the objective of the burglary is the theft of one or more firearms, firearm parts, firearm accessories, or ammunition. The bill allows the courts to impose a fine of $10,000 to $750,000 for an individual convicted of second degree burglary with the objective of stealing a firearm or accessory.
10:25:40 AM |
Representative Liston answered questions from the committee. Representative Leonard discussed amendment L.005 [Attachment A], which was distributed to the committee. Representative Liston and Representative Valdez answered questions from the committee.
10:34:52 AM |
Tom Sullivan, representing himself, testified in support of the bill.
10:38:16 AM |
District Attorney George Brauchler, 18th Judicial District, testified in support of the bill. District Attorney Brauchler answered questions from the committee.
10:51:56 AM |
Representative Liston responded to committee comments.
10:55:06 AM |
Aaron Carpenter, Legislative Council Staff, answered questions from the committee regarding the fiscal note for the bill.
10:57:57 AM |
District Attorney Brauchler answered additional questions from the committee.
10:59:27 AM |
Andrew Vaughan, 4th Judicial District, testified in support of the bill. Mr. Vaughn answered questions from the committee.
11:07:16 AM |
Jon Ippolito, 18th Judicial District, testified in support of the bill.
11:09:59 AM |
Tammy Spellman, Springs Armory, testified in support of the bill. Ms. Spellman answered questions from the committee.
11:17:02 AM |
Robert James, Oasis Custom Firearms, testified in support of the bill.
11:21:46 AM |
Robert Edmiston, Firearms Coalition of Colorado, testified in support of the bill.
11:23:46 AM |
Eileen McCarron, Colorado Ceasefire, testified in support of the bill. Ms. McCarron answered questions from the committee.
11:28:46 AM |
Tim Lane, Colorado District Attorneys' Council, testified in support of the bill. Mr. Lane answered questions from the committee.
11:37:42 AM |
John Karakoulakis, National Shooting Sports Federation, testified in support of the bill.
11:40:19 AM |
Representative Valdez read a letter of support from the County Sheriffs of Colorado [Attachment B].
11:41:28 AM |
Representative Liston further discussed amendment L.005.
11:43:34 AM
Motion |
Adopt amendment L.005 [Attachment A]. |
Moved |
Leonard |
Seconded |
Lontine |
Benavidez |
Hooton |
Humphrey |
Leonard |
Melton |
Weissman |
Williams D. |
Lontine |
Foote |
YES: 0 NO: 0 EXC: 0 ABS: 0 FINAL ACTION: Pass Without Objection |
11:43:35 AM |
Representative Weissman explained L.001 [Attachment C]. Representative Liston and Representative Valdez commented on amendment L.001.
11:45:26 AM
Motion |
Adopt amendment L.001 [Attachment C]. |
Moved |
Weissman |
Seconded |
Melton |
Benavidez |
Hooton |
Humphrey |
Leonard |
Melton |
Weissman |
Williams D. |
Lontine |
Foote |
YES: 0 NO: 0 EXC: 0 ABS: 0 FINAL ACTION: Pass Without Objection |
11:45:26 AM |
Representative Liston and Representative Valdez made concluding remarks about the bill. Committee members made comments regarding the bill.
12:00:35 PM
Motion |
Refer House Bill 18-1077, as amended, to the Committee on Appropriations. |
Moved |
Williams D. |
Seconded |
Leonard |
Benavidez |
No |
Hooton |
Yes |
Humphrey |
Yes |
Leonard |
Yes |
Melton |
No |
Weissman |
Yes |
Williams D. |
Yes |
Lontine |
Yes |
Foote |
Yes |
Final |