02:08:02 PM |
Senator Donovan and Senator Coram, co-prime sponsors, discussed the provisions of Senate Bill 18-038 concerning reclaimed water used on industrial hemp. They also distributed Amendment L.001 [Attachment D] and Amendment L.003 [Attachment E]. This bill, recommended by the interim Water Resources Review Committee, codifies rules promulgated by the Water Quality Control Commission (WQCC) within the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment (CDPHE) related to the allowable uses of reclaimed domestic wastewater, and expands allowable uses to include irrigation of industrial hemp. In addition, the bill defines three categories of water quality standards. The WQCC is required to promulgate new rules related to reclaimed wastewater no later than December 31, 2019. The WQCC is also authorized to create new categories of water quality standards; recategorize any of the allowable uses to a less stringent category; and authorize additional uses. Variances may be granted from the standards if the proposed usage will sufficiently protect public health and the environment.
02:08:43 PM |
John Gray, representing himself, spoke in opposition to the bill.
02:13:42 PM |
Michael Nicoletti, Legislative LIaison
for the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment, explained
the department is nuetral on bill and discussed potential public health
impacts of related to the use of reclaimed water.
02:17:23 PM |
Brandi Honeycutt, Environmental Protection
Specialist for the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment,
responded to questions from the committee about the regulation of reclaimed
02:18:10 PM |
Dianna Orf, Colorado Water Congress, spoke
in support of the bill and Amendment L.001.
02:18:58 PM |
Senator Coram discussed the provisions
of Amendment L.001 and Amendment L.003. Mr. Nicoletti responded to
questions from the committee about Amendment L.003.
02:22:43 PM |
Joan Green Turner, Water Rights Association, spoke in support of Amendment L.001.
02:23:16 PM |
Ashley Webber, Colorado Chapter of the
National Organization for the Reform of Marijuana Laws (NORML) explained
her organization is neutral on the bill and she commented on Amendment
02:25:06 PM |
Tim Gordon, Colorado Hemp Industry Association, spoke in support of the bill and Amendment L.003.
02:26:19 PM |
Jessica LeRoux, representing herself, spoke
in support of the bill.
02:28:32 PM |
The Chair closed testimony on the bill
and Senator Donovan and Senator Coram closed their remarks.
02:29:32 PM
Motion |
Adopt amendment L.001 |
Moved |
Coram |
Seconded |
Cooke |
Coram |
Donovan |
Fenberg |
Fields |
Garcia |
Jones |
Marble |
Scott |
Baumgardner |
Sonnenberg |
YES: 0 NO: 0 EXC: 0 ABS: 0 FINAL ACTION: Pass Without Objection |
02:30:27 PM |
Senator Sonnenberg announced that Amendment
L.003 would be severed into two section: Severed Section 1 (page
1, lines 1 through 4) and Severed Section 2 (page 1, lines 5 through 8).
Severed Section 1 was not moved. Severed Section 2 was adopted
without amendment.
02:30:30 PM
Motion |
Adopt amendment L.003, severed section 2, consisting of page 2 lines 5 through 8. |
Moved |
Coram |
Seconded |
Cooke |
Coram |
Donovan |
Fenberg |
Fields |
Garcia |
Jones |
Marble |
Scott |
Baumgardner |
Sonnenberg |
YES: 0 NO: 0 EXC: 0 ABS: 0 FINAL ACTION: Pass Without Objection |
02:31:41 PM
Motion |
Refer Senate Bill 18-038, as amended, to the Committee on Appropriations. |
Moved |
Coram |
Seconded |
Cooke |
Yes |
Coram |
Yes |
Donovan |
Yes |
Fenberg |
Yes |
Fields |
Yes |
Garcia |
Yes |
Jones |
Yes |
Marble |
Yes |
Scott |
Yes |
Baumgardner |
Yes |
Sonnenberg |
Yes |
Final |