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02C8E88517D257148725822600775788 Hearing Summary


Date Jan 31, 2018      
Location LSB A

HB18-1047 - Committee Discussion/Lay Over

02:43:34 PM  

Representative Lontine, bill sponsor, presented House Bill 18-1047. The bill makes various technical changes to the Fair Campaign Practices Act.  This bill clarifies the definition of an independent expenditure committee and makes the following changes concerning reporting and campaign finance violations:


    Concerning reporting requirements, the bill:

    •    removes a reporting requirement for donations to another person for the purpose of independent expenditures;

    •    specifies that electioneering communication reports must include the name of the candidate;

    •    clarifies instances when certain issue and candidate committees do not need to file a report with the Secretary of State on any contribution over $1,000;

    •    clarifies procedures in connection with a person's failure to file a candidate affidavit or disclosure statement; and

    •    changes the amount of time candidate committees have to correct a deficient report form 15 to 30 days.


    Concerning campaign finance violations, the bill:

    •    allows attorney fees and costs awarded by an administrative law judge in a campaign finance enforcement action to be sent to the district court to convert an award of fees and costs into a district court judgment; and

    •    allows the Secretary of State discretion when deciding to forward collections of past-due debts resulting from campaign finance violations.


Representative Lontine explained amendments L.001 and L.002 [Attachments E and F] to the committee.

02:47:56 PM  
Michael Francisco, representing himself, testified in support of the bill. Mr. Francisco answered questions from the committee.
02:51:08 PM  
Suzanne Staiert, Department of State, testified in support of the bill. Ms. Staiert answered questions from the committee.
03:14:13 PM  
Peg Perl, representing herself, testified in support of the bill.
03:18:41 PM  
Martha Tierney, America Votes and the Colorado Democratic Party, testified in support of the bill. Ms. Tierney answered questions from the committee.
03:32:47 PM  
Representative Lontine made remarks to the committee. Ms. Tierney made additional comments to the committee and discussed a potential conceptual amendment to amendment L.002. Representative Lontine made additional comments to the committee.
03:37:20 PM  

Ryan Call, Hale Westfall and Alliance for a Safe and Independent Woodmen Hills, testified in support of the bill. Mr. Call answered questions from the committee.

03:53:39 PM  

Chris Murray, Colorado Republican Committee, testified in support of the bill. He answered questions from the committee.

04:05:13 PM  

After some discussion with Representative Lontine, Representative Foote laid the bill over until a future meeting.

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