Date Feb 5, 2018
Location HCR 0112
HB18-1014 - Lay Over
02:19:41 PM |
Representative Buck presented and summarized House Bill 18-1014 concerning social studies assessments in high school. She read letters from school district superintendents in support of the bill.
02:27:30 PM |
Representative Buck answered questions from the committee regarding school districts concerned with social study assessments. Committee discussion ensued. The sponsor answered questions regarding social studies courses being taught in public schools.
02:34:53 PM |
Mark Sass, representing himself, spoke in opposition to the bill. He spoke on his experience as a social studies teacher and the need to assess social studies content. Mr. Sass answered questions from the committee regarding current social studies assessments.
02:39:55 PM |
Mr. Sass continued to answer questions from the committee.
02:50:00 PM |
Committee discussion ensued.
02:58:47 PM |
Reilly Pharo Carter, representing Climb Higher Colorado, was neutral on the bill. She discussed current assessment testing and student proficiency. She answered questions from the committee.
03:07:46 PM |
Senator Evie Hudak, representing the Colorado Parent Teacher Association, spoke in favor of the bill. She spoke on assessing school performance and student proficiency data. Senator Hudak answered questions from the committee.
03:17:45 PM |
Senator Hudak continued to answer questions from the committee.
03:28:05 PM |
Committee discussion ensued.
03:30:03 PM |
Nate Golich, representing the Colorado Education Association, spoke in support of the bill. He spoke about the need to move to the minimum amount of testing mandated under the Every Student Succeeds Act. He answered questions from the committee.
03:40:55 PM |
Mr. Golich continued to answer questions from the committee.
03:48:33 PM |
Rob Petterson, Poudre School District Board of Education, testified in favor of the bill. He spoke on the assessment tests and current issues in the Poudre School District.
03:54:38 PM |
Mr. Petterson answered questions from the committee.
04:05:36 PM |
Cathy Kipp, Poudre School District Board of Education, spoke in favor of the bill. She also said that the Colorado Association of School Boards supports the bill. Ms. Kipp spoke on the issues of assessment testing in the Poudre School District. She answered questions from the committee.
04:14:05 PM |
Committee discussion ensued.
04:23:44 PM |
Mr. Petterson and Ms. Kipp continued to answer questions from the committee.
04:29:57 PM |
The bill was laid over for action only.