03:29:25 PM |
Sam Walker, Executive Director, Department of Labor and Employment, introduced himself and began his discussion of the responsibilities of the department by introducing the division directors. He provided a handout of his presentation to the committee (Attachment D).
03:44:05 PM |
Mr. Walker responded to questions from the committee regarding hold times for unemployment insurance inquiries to the department. He invited Jeff Fitzgerald to respond to the committee.
03:44:48 PM |
Jeff Fitzgerald, Division of Unemployment Insurance, responded to questions from the committee.
03:49:58 PM |
Mr. Walker continued his discussion of the operations of the department.
03:50:21 PM |
Mr. Fitzgerald returned to the table to discuss the role of the unemployment insurance division and its recent accomplishments.
03:53:15 PM |
Matthew Blackman, Budget Director, came to the table to respond to questions from the committee.
04:04:15 PM |
Mr. Fitzgerald continued his discussion of the operations of the division.
04:05:48 PM |
Bill Dowling, Division of Employment and
Training, discussed the role of the division and its recent accomplishments.
04:10:54 PM |
Alex Hall, Division of Labor Standards
and Statistics, discussed the role of the division and its recent accomplishments.
She responded to questions from the committee.
04:16:18 PM |
Mr. Walker responded to questions from the committee.
04:16:36 PM |
Ms. Hall responded to questions from the committee regarding wage theft.
04:22:28 PM |
Mr. Walker continued to respond to questions from the committee.
04:23:08 PM |
Ms. Hall continued to respond to the committee's questioning related to worker's compensation claims.
04:25:18 PM |
Paul Tauriello, Division of Workers' Compensation, discussed the operations of the division and its current accomplishments.
04:28:58 PM |
Mahesh Albuquerque, Division of Oil and Public Safety, discussed the role of the Division and its accomplishments. He responded to questions from the committee.
04:35:56 PM |
Steve Anton, Division of Vocational Rehabilitation, discussed the role of the division and its recent accomplishments.
04:42:03 PM |
Mr. Walker highlighted the department's legislative agenda and implementation of 2018 legislation.
04:43:35 PM |
Lee Wheeler-Berliner, Colorado Workforce Development Council, discussed the TalentFOUND program.
04:46:54 PM |
Mr. Walker made concluding remarks.