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BC9C8BA216A8A57E872583680068B932 Hearing Summary


Date Dec 19, 2018      
Location Old State Library

Department of Natural Resources SMART Act Presentation - Committee Discussion Only

12:04:06 PM  
The committee came back to order.
01:30:33 PM  

Bob Randall, Executive Director, Department of Natural Resources, introduced himself to the committee and provided an overview of the department. The department's FY 2018-19 Performance Plan and regulatory agenda can be accessed thought the committee's website here:

01:34:15 PM  
Tobin Follenweider, Chief Operations Officer,
introduced himself to the committee and discussed the department's performance
plan.  He discussed some outside factors that shape DNR's performance,
including population growth and revenue from oil and gas development.
01:39:24 PM  

Bill Levine, Budget Director, introduced himself to the committee and discussed his role as the budget director. He discussed severance tax funding, specifically House Bill 18-1338, which helps to restore funding to the Severance Tax Operational Fund.  He discussed potential future legislation concerning severance tax, a bill recommended by the Water Resources Review Committee that will seek to change the timing and budgeting of severance tax revenue to several grant programs administered by DNR.

01:46:00 PM  
Bob Broscheid, Director, Colorado Parks and Wildlife (CPW),
provided an overview of CPW.  He discussed the sources of funding
for CPW, which primarily consist of license, permit, and pass purchases.
 He provided an update of the department's efforts to restore the
Greenback Cutthroat Trout population.  He also updated the committee
on the Aquatic Nuisance Species (ANS) program.  Mr. Broscheid stated
that more boats from Lake Tahoe are entering the state contaminated with
quagga and zebra mussels.  He discussed the number of state park visitations
and hunting and fishing license sales.  Mr. Broscheid responded to
questions from the committee regarding park visitation and the recent fee
increases, which go into effect on January 1, 2019.  Mr. Levine discussed
increased costs of maintaining state parks.
02:10:13 PM  

Mr. Broscheid responded to further questions from the committee regarding land purchases made by CPW.  Mr. Follenwieder responded to questions from the committee regarding how targets for certain performance metrics are determined.

02:19:43 PM  
Mike Leonard, Acting Director, Colorado
Oil and Gas Conservatoin Commission (COGCC), introduced himself to the
committee and provided an overview of the COGCC.   The COGCC is responsible
for the permitting, monitoring, enforcement, and restoration efforts of
the oil and gas industry.  It is funded primarily through severance
tax revenue and a levy assessed on the value of oil and gas production.
 The COGCC also receives a small federal grant related to the regulation
of underground injection wells, as well as penalty revenue that must be
used to fund specific program expenses.  Mr. Leonard responded to
questions from the committee regarding the comment period for pending applications
and permits, department response time to complaints, and number of inspections
of wells.
02:50:35 PM  

Rebecca Mitchell, Director, Colorado Water Conservation Board (CWCB), provided an overview of the CWCB. Ms. Mitchell discussed the department's primary functions and major funding sources. CWCB is primarily funded though the CWCB Construction Fund, Federal Mineral Lease distributions, and severance tax revenue. Ms. Mitchell provided the committee an update on the drought contingency plan efforts in Colorado and throughout the Colorado River Basin. The Upper Basin states have approved a drought contingency plan; however, the Lower Basin States have yet to approve a plan.  The Lower Basin States must approve a plan by January 2019.

02:51:48 PM  
John Stulp, Special Water Policy Advisor
to the Governor, introduced himself to the committee and updated the committee
on ongoing water projects in the state.
03:16:43 PM  

Ms. Mitchell and Mr. Stulp responded to questions from the committee concerning drought contingency planning. Ms. Mitchell continued to respond to questions regarding water plan implementation, demand side management, and voluntary curtailment programs.

03:48:54 PM  

Bill Ryan, Director, Colorado State Land Board, provided an overview of the committee. Mr. Ryan discussed the land board's main responsibilities and major sources of funding. The SLB is entirely self-funded by revenue generated from leasing state trust land. Mr. Ryan responded to questions from the committee regarding school parcel leases, agricultural leases, and stacked leases.

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