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DC9CB341F3B675328725845C0071F3BE Hearing Summary


Date Aug 20, 2019      
Location Old State Library

Safe2Tell - Committee Discussion Only

02:44:41 PM  

Matt Baca, representing the Attorney General's Office, introduced Essi Ellis, who is the executive director of Safe2Tell. Ms. Ellis distributed a written presentation (Attachment K). Ms. Ellis discussed the methods of reporting that Safe2Tell supports, with particular focus on reporting through the mobile application. She listed the top substantive tip categories for the past school year. She talked about fostering high-functioning local early intervention teams between school officials and law enforcement, which include mental health professionals.

02:58:17 PM  
Kevin Klein, representing the Division of the Homeland Security and Emergency Preparedness in the Department of Public Safety, came to the table to talk about his division's response to Safe2Tell tips.
03:05:33 PM  

The panelists responded to questions about what the legislature can do to help improve school safety.

03:13:54 PM  

Stacy Gahagan and Brandon Shaffer, representing St. Vrain Valley School District, discussed House Bill 18-1434 concerning Safe2Tell. Mr. Shaffer spoke about the misuse of Safe2Tell and the difference between anonymity and confidentiality. Ms. Gahagan stated her opinion that Safe2Tell is the number one mechanism for keeping kids safe in schools. She explained how the system works.

03:24:09 PM  

Ms. Gahagan and Mr. Shaffer responded to committee questions related to false reporting to Safe2Tell.