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H_SA_2019A 04/18/2019 01:33:18 PM Committee Summary

Date 04/18/2019
Duran X
Humphrey X
Lontine X
Melton X
Rich X
Sirota X
Williams D. X
Jaquez Lewis X
Kennedy X
X = Present, E = Excused, A = Absent, * = Present after roll call
Time 01:33:18 PM to 06:12:31 PM
Place LSB A
This Meeting was called to order by Representative Kennedy
This Report was prepared by Amanda King
Hearing Items Action Taken
HB19-1317 Postponed Indefinitely
HB19-1141 Postponed Indefinitely
HB19-1325 Amended, referred to the Committee of the Whole
SB19-202 Amended, referred to House Appropriations
SB19-229 Referred to the Committee of the Whole
SB19-230 Referred to the Committee of the Whole

HB19-1317 - Postponed Indefinitely

01:33:32 PM  

The committee came to order, roll call was taken, and then the committee took a brief recess.

01:34:47 PM  

The committee came back to order.

01:35:21 PM  

Representative Kennedy and Representative Weissman, co-prime bill sponsors, presented House Bill 19-1317. The bill sets the amount of the senior homestead exemption to zero for 2020 and future years, and creates a refundable income tax credit through 2029 for all senior taxpayers with adjusted gross income up to an inflation-adjusted $65,000.

01:41:35 PM  

Representative Kennedy further explained the bill and provided a handout to the committee (Attachment A).

01:49:07 PM  

Representative Weissman made additional comments regarding the bill.

01:50:00 PM  

Ed Shackelford, Colorado Senior Lobby, testified in support of the bill. He provided a handout to the committee (Attachment B).

01:53:10 PM  

Ali Mickelson, Colorado Fiscal Institute, testified in support of the bill. She provided a handout to the committee (Attachment C).

01:56:12 PM  

Steve Douglas, representing himself, testified in opposition to the bill.

02:00:34 PM  

Bob Brocker, representing himself, testified on the bill.

02:03:40 PM  

Representative Kennedy provided concluding remarks about the bill.  Committee members commented on the bill.

02:06:13 PM
Motion Postpone House Bill 19-1317 indefinitely.
Moved Kennedy
Seconded Duran
Duran Yes
Humphrey Yes
Lontine Yes
Melton Yes
Rich Yes
Sirota Yes
Williams D. Yes
Jaquez Lewis Yes
Kennedy Yes
Final YES: 9   NO: 0   EXC: 0   ABS:  0   FINAL ACTION:  PASS

HB19-1141 - Postponed Indefinitely

02:06:20 PM  

The committee recessed.

02:12:21 PM  

The committee came back to order.

02:13:01 PM  

Representative Beckman, bill sponsor, presented House Bill 19-1141. The bill allows seniors who qualify for the senior homestead exemption to continue to claim the exemption if they move for reasons of medical necessity and restricts the authority of the General Assembly to reduce exemption amounts in future years.

02:22:16 PM  

Representative Beckman answered questions from the committee.

02:25:02 PM  

Steve Douglas, representing himself, testified in support of the bill.

02:27:29 PM  

Jo Feder, League of Women Voters of Colorado, testified in support of the bill.

02:28:23 PM  

Sheila Gallup, representing herself, testified in support of the bill.

02:30:43 PM  

Eileen Doherty, Colorado Gerontological Society, testified in support of the bill.

02:35:22 PM  

Fred Alan Jacobus, representing himself, testified in support of the bill.

02:37:28 PM  

Cathy O'Grady, representing herself, testified in support of the bill.

02:40:02 PM  

Representative Beckman made concluding remarks about House Bill 19-1141. Committee members made comments regarding House Bill 19-1141.

02:49:28 PM
Motion Refer House Bill 19-1141 to the Committee on Appropriations.
Moved Humphrey
Seconded Rich
Duran No
Humphrey Yes
Lontine No
Melton No
Rich Yes
Sirota No
Williams D. Yes
Jaquez Lewis No
Kennedy No
YES: 3   NO: 6   EXC: 0   ABS:  0   FINAL ACTION:  FAIL

02:49:45 PM
Motion Postpone House Bill 19-1141 indefinitely using a reversal of the previous roll call. There was no objection to the use of the reverse roll call, therefore, the bill was postponed indefinitely.
Moved Jaquez Lewis
Seconded Sirota
Duran Yes
Humphrey No
Lontine Yes
Melton Yes
Rich No
Sirota Yes
Williams D. No
Jaquez Lewis Yes
Kennedy Yes
Final YES: 6   NO: 3   EXC: 0   ABS:  0   FINAL ACTION:  PASS

HB19-1325 - Amended, referred to the Committee of the Whole

02:49:51 PM  

Representative Hansen and Representative McKean, co-prime bill sponsors, presented House Bill 19-1325. Under current law, motor vehicle manufacturers may not own, operate, or control a motor vehicle dealer or used motor vehicle dealer. The bill allows a manufacturer that only manufactures electric vehicles to own, operate, or control a motor vehicle dealer. An electric motor vehicle is defined as a motor vehicle that operates entirely on electric power; does not include a fuel combustion engine; and has a least four wheels in contact with the ground during normal operations. Representative Hansen and Representative McKean answered questions from the committee.

03:14:56 PM  

Sam Gilchrist, Natural Resources Defense Council, testified in support of the bill.

03:19:30 PM  

Matt Frommer, Southwest Energy Efficiency Project, testified in support of the bill.

03:22:37 PM  

Jim Chen, Rivian, testified in support of the bill.

03:26:59 PM  

Maria Eisemann, Colorado Energy Office, testified in support of the bill.

03:29:02 PM  

Mr. Chen answered questions from the committee.

03:30:12 PM  

Tim Jackson, Colorado Automobile Dealers Association, testified in opposition to the bill.

03:32:19 PM  

John Medved, representing himself, testified in opposition to the bill.

03:39:25 PM  

Greg Fulton, Colorado Motor Carriers Association, testified in opposition to the bill.

03:43:47 PM  

Scott McCandeless, McCandeless International, testified in opposition to the bill.

03:46:09 PM  

Mr. Jackson provided additional testimony in opposition to the bill.

03:51:55 PM  

Mr. Medved, Mr. Jackson, and Mr. Fulton answered questions from the committee.

04:03:04 PM  

Jep Seman, Alliance of Automobile Manufacturers, testified in opposition to the bill. He provided a handout to the committee (Attachment D).

04:10:37 PM  

Matthew Groves, Colorado Automobile Dealers Association, testified in opposition to the bill.

04:11:26 PM  

Mr. Groves answered questions from the committee.

04:13:03 PM  

Steve Douglas, representing himself, testified in support of the bill.

04:17:35 PM  

Representative Hansen and Representative McKean explained amendment L.001 (Attachment E).

04:18:59 PM
Motion Adopt amendment L.001 (Attachment E).
Moved Melton
Seconded Sirota
Williams D.
Jaquez Lewis
YES: 0   NO: 0   EXC: 0   ABS:  0   FINAL ACTION:  Pass Without Objection
04:19:00 PM  

Representative Humphrey explained amendment L.002 (Attachment F). Representative Hansen commented on amendment L.002. The committee discussed amendment L.002. The committee recessed.

04:31:59 PM  

The committee came back to order.

04:32:04 PM  

The committee further discussed amendment L.002.

04:33:02 PM
Motion Adopt amendment L.002 (Attachment F).
Moved Humphrey
Seconded Williams D.
Duran No
Humphrey Yes
Lontine No
Melton Yes
Rich Yes
Sirota No
Williams D. Yes
Jaquez Lewis No
Kennedy No
YES: 4   NO: 5   EXC: 0   ABS:  0   FINAL ACTION:  FAIL
04:33:03 PM  
Representative Hansen and Representative McKean made concluding remarks about House Bill 19-1325. Committee members commented on the bill.

04:40:11 PM
Motion Refer House Bill 19-1325, as amended, to the Committee of the Whole.
Moved Melton
Seconded Lontine
Duran Yes
Humphrey No
Lontine Yes
Melton Yes
Rich No
Sirota Yes
Williams D. No
Jaquez Lewis Yes
Kennedy Yes
Final YES: 6   NO: 3   EXC: 0   ABS:  0   FINAL ACTION:  PASS

SB19-202 - Amended, referred to House Appropriations

04:40:16 PM  

Representative Froelich, bill sponsor, presented Senate Bill 19-202. The bill requires the Department of State to establish procedures to enable voters with disabilities to independently mark a paper ballot using nonvisual access or low vision access technology, whether the voter is voting in a mail ballot election or at a polling location. Representative Froelich referenced amendment L.008 (Attachment G). She answered questions from the committee.

04:45:55 PM  

Curtis Chong, representing himself, testified in support of the bill.

04:49:36 PM  

Dan Burke, National Federation of the Blind of Colorado, testified in support of the bill.

04:53:01 PM  

Andrea Wilkins, League of Women Voters of Colorado, testified in support of the bill.

04:54:04 PM  

Patrick Potyondy, Colorado Common Cause, testified in support of the bill.

04:55:51 PM  

Mr. Chong answered questions from the committee.

04:59:04 PM  

Representative Froelich explained amendment L.008 and answered questions from the committee about the amendment.

05:00:46 PM
Motion Adopt amendment L.008 (Attachment G).
Moved Lontine
Seconded Duran
Duran Yes
Humphrey No
Lontine Yes
Melton Yes
Rich No
Sirota Yes
Williams D. No
Jaquez Lewis Yes
Kennedy Yes
YES: 6   NO: 3   EXC: 0   ABS:  0   FINAL ACTION:  PASS
05:00:47 PM  

Representative Froelich made concluding remarks about the bill.

05:01:21 PM  

Committee members commented on the bill.

05:04:11 PM
Motion Refer Senate Bill 19-202, as amended, to the Committee on Appropriations.
Moved Melton
Seconded Lontine
Duran Yes
Humphrey Yes
Lontine Yes
Melton Yes
Rich Yes
Sirota Yes
Williams D. Yes
Jaquez Lewis Yes
Kennedy Yes
Final YES: 9   NO: 0   EXC: 0   ABS:  0   FINAL ACTION:  PASS

SB19-229 - Referred to the Committee of the Whole

05:04:17 PM  

Representative Mullica and Representative Gonzales-Gutierrez, co-prime bill sponsors, presented Senate Bill 19-229. The bill allows a candidate committee to spend campaign contributions for reasonable and necessary childcare expenses that the candidate incurs directly in connection with his or her campaign. The committee is required to disclose these expenditures in the same manner as any other campaign expenditures. Representative Gonzales-Gutierrez distributed a letter in support of the bill from Secretary of State Jena Griswold (Attachment H).

05:09:53 PM  

Representative Mullica and Representative Gonzales-Guiterrez answered questions from the committee. Committee discussion with the bill sponsors ensued.

05:15:25 PM  

Andrea Wilkins, League of Women Voters of Colorado, testified in support of the bill.

05:16:45 PM  

Hazel Gibson, representing herself, testified in support of the bill.

05:18:55 PM  

Jacob Lilly, representing himself, testified in support of the bill.

05:21:12 PM  

Karla Gonzales Garcia, Colorado Organization for Latina Opportunity and Reproductive Rights, testified in support of the bill.

05:24:25 PM  

Patrick Potyondy, Colorado Common Cause, testified in support of the bill.

05:26:32 PM  

Representative Gonzales-Gutierrez and Representative Mullica provided concluding remarks about Senate Bill 19-229. Committee members commented on the bill.

05:37:46 PM
Motion Refer Senate Bill 19-229 to the Committee of the Whole.
Moved Jaquez Lewis
Seconded Duran
Duran Yes
Humphrey No
Lontine Yes
Melton Yes
Rich Yes
Sirota Yes
Williams D. Yes
Jaquez Lewis Yes
Kennedy Yes
Final YES: 8   NO: 1   EXC: 0   ABS:  0   FINAL ACTION:  PASS

SB19-230 - Referred to the Committee of the Whole

05:37:52 PM  

Representative Herod, bill sponsor, presented Senate Bill 19-230. The bill codifies the existing Colorado Refugee Services Program in the Department of Human Services (DHS). DHS is solely responsible for the development, review, and administration of the state plan under the federal Immigration and Nationality Act, which allows the state to receive federal funds. The program must provide refugees with cash and medical assistance and social services.

05:40:10 PM  

Gary Schneider, representing himself, testified in support of the bill.

05:42:47 PM  

Leslie Mongin, representing herself, testified in support of the bill. She provided a handout to the committee (Attachment I).

05:46:32 PM  

Mousa Alkhafaji, International Rescue Committee, testified in support of the bill.

05:49:09 PM  

Nga Vuong-Sandoval, representing herself, testified in support of the bill. Ms. Vuong-Sandoval responded to comments from the committee.

05:54:05 PM  

Kate Waidler, Refugee Action Coalition of Colorado, testified in support of the bill.  She provided a handout to the committee (Attachment J).

06:00:53 PM  

Jennifer Wilson, International Rescue Committee, testified in support of the bill.

06:05:09 PM  

Kit Taintor, DHS, testified in support of the bill.

06:06:09 PM  

Ms. Taintor, Ms. Wilson, and Representative Herod answered questions from the committee.

06:09:39 PM  
Representative Herod made concluding remarks about Senate Bill 19-230. Committee members made comments regarding the bill.

06:12:02 PM
Motion Refer Senate Bill 19-230 to the Committee of the Whole.
Moved Melton
Seconded Duran
Duran Yes
Humphrey No
Lontine Yes
Melton Yes
Rich Yes
Sirota Yes
Williams D. No
Jaquez Lewis Yes
Kennedy Yes
Final YES: 7   NO: 2   EXC: 0   ABS:  0   FINAL ACTION:  PASS

06:12:31 PM   The committee adjourned.

The Colorado Senate and House of Representatives will not convene on Monday, January 20, 2025 in observance of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. day.

The effective date for bills enacted without a safety clause is August 6, 2025, if the General Assembly adjourns sine die on May 7, 2025 (unless otherwise specified). Details