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F5B04BD1DF49685E872583E6000E734E Hearing Summary


Date Apr 23, 2019      
Location SCR 357

HB19-1174 - Amended, referred to Senate Appropriations

08:37:52 PM  

Senators Pettersen and Gardner, bill sponsors, introduced House Bill 19-1174.  The bill establishes requirements related to out-of-network health care services.  Senator Gardner also distributed and described amendments L.062 and L.064 (Attachments E and F).

08:45:40 PM  

Senator Tate described amendment L.065 (Attachment G).

08:47:57 PM  

Michael Conway, Division of Insurance, testified in support of the bill.  Senator Gardner responded to a clarifying question from the committee regarding the bill.  Mr. Conway responded to questions from the committee regarding the insurance market, savings for consumers, and proposed amendments to the bill.

09:01:05 PM  

Mr. Conway responded to further questions from the committee regarding the cost and accessibility of health insurance and the scope of individuals impacted by the bill.

09:13:38 PM  

David Freedenson, representing himself, testified against the bill.

09:18:59 PM  

Dave Downs, representing himself, testified against the bill.  Dr. Downs responded to a question from the committee regarding medical cost accountability.

09:23:18 PM  

Paul Webster, Assure Neuromonitoring, testified against the bill.

09:25:12 PM  

Aaron Lynn, representing himself, testified against the bill.

09:28:27 PM  

Dr. Freedenson responded to a question from the committee regarding medical industry profits.  Dr. Lynn responded to a question from the committee regarding insurance networks.

09:35:13 PM  

Caitlin Westerson, Colorado Consumer Health Initiative, testified in support of the bill.

09:37:36 PM  

Kim Bimestefer, Department of Health Care Policy and Financing, testified in support of the bill.

09:42:13 PM  

Marc Reece, Colorado Association of Health Plans, testified in support of the bill.

09:45:24 PM  

Ms. Bimestefer and Mr. Reece answered questions from the committee.

09:55:46 PM  

Andrew Klutman, representing himself, testified against the bill.

10:00:07 PM
Motion Adopt amendment L.064 (Attachment F)
Moved Lee
YES: 0   NO: 0   EXC: 0   ABS:  0   FINAL ACTION:  Pass Without Objection
10:00:58 PM  

Senator Gardner and Senator Pettersen discussed amendment L.062.  Committee discussion ensued.

10:02:57 PM
Motion Adopt amendment L.062 (Attachment E)
Moved Lee
YES: 0   NO: 0   EXC: 0   ABS:  0   FINAL ACTION:  Pass Without Objection
10:03:03 PM  

Senator Tate explained amendment L.066 (Attachment H).  Senator Pettersen commented on amendment L.066.  Senator Pettersen and Senator Gardner answered questions from the committee about amendment L.066.  Discussion ensued.

10:16:42 PM  

Further discussion ensued among committee members and the bill sponsors.

10:22:35 PM
Motion Adopt amendment L.066 (Attachment H)
Moved Tate
Gonzales No
Lundeen Yes
Tate Yes
Todd No
Woodward Yes
Lee No
Court No
YES: 3   NO: 4   EXC: 0   ABS:  0   FINAL ACTION:  FAIL

10:24:23 PM
Motion Refer House Bill 19-1174, as amended, to the Committee on Appropriations.
Moved Lee
Gonzales Yes
Lundeen Yes
Tate Yes
Todd Yes
Woodward No
Lee Yes
Court Yes
Final YES: 6   NO: 1   EXC: 0   ABS:  0   FINAL ACTION:  PASS

The effective date for bills enacted without a safety clause is August 6, 2025, if the General Assembly adjourns sine die on May 7, 2025 (unless otherwise specified). Details

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