02:30:05 PM |
Representatives Roberts and Wilson, bill sponsors, presented House Bill 19-1264. The bill modifies and extends the Conservation Easement Oversight Commission and the conservation easement certification program in the Department of Regulatory Agencies until 2026.
02:34:12 PM |
Representatives Wilson and Roberts responded to committee questions.
02:41:24 PM |
Valerie Maez, representing herself, testified remotely from Fort Lewis College in opposition to the bill.
02:42:37 PM |
Allen Maez, representing himself, testified remotely from Fort Lewis College in opposition to the bill.
02:45:57 PM |
Mr. Maez and Ms. Maez responded to committee questions.
02:52:56 PM |
Jillane Hixson, representing herself, testified remotely from Lamar Community College in opposition to the bill.
03:04:01 PM |
Belinda Groner, representing Heritage Defenders, testified remotely from Lamar Community College in opposition to the bill.
03:08:36 PM |
Ms. Groner and Ms. Hixson responded to committee questions.
03:15:12 PM |
Jillane Hixson read the testimony of Jim Guire who is in opposition to the bill.
03:22:03 PM |
Mack Louden, representing himself, testified remotely from Trinidad State Junior College in opposition to the bill. Mr. Louden responded to committee questions.
03:26:54 PM |
Erik Glenn, representing the CCALT, testified in support of the bill.
03:32:12 PM |
Larry Kueter, representing the CCALT, testified in support of the bill.
03:35:42 PM |
Emily Ibach, representing the Colorado Farm Bureau, testified in support of the bill.
03:38:08 PM |
Mr. Glenn responded to committee questions.
03:48:51 PM |
Stacy McPhail, representing the Gunnison Ranch Land Legacy, testified in opposition to the bill.
03:52:47 PM |
Lee Hancock, representing the Lower Arkansas Valley Water Conservation District, testified in support of the bill.
03:55:02 PM |
Bill Hancock, representing himself, testified
in support of the bill.
03:57:40 PM |
Julie Gentz, representing herself, testified in opposition to the bill.
03:58:33 PM |
Ms. Gentz and Mr. B. Hancock responded to committee questions.
04:07:52 PM |
Jen Livsey, representing herself, testified
in support of the bill.
04:10:12 PM |
John Salazar, representing himself, testified in support of the bill.
04:12:24 PM |
Jay Fetcher, representing himself, testified in support of the bill.
04:15:53 PM |
Jody Barbar, representing herself, testified in support of the bill.
04:16:56 PM |
Ms. Livsey, Mr. Salazar, and Ms. Barber responded to committee questions.
04:38:57 PM |
Alan Gentz, representing himself, testified in opposition to the bill. Mr. Gentz distributed handouts [Attachments B and C].
04:40:58 PM |
Kevin Ward, representing the U.S. Department of Defence, testified in support of the bill.
04:46:22 PM |
Kevin McCarty, representing himself, testified in support of the bill.
04:50:16 PM |
Jim Daus, representing Eagle Valley Land Trust, testified in support of the bill and distributed a handout [Attachment D].
04:52:21 PM |
Mr. Gentz responded to committee questions.
04:56:44 PM |
Merritt Linke, representing CLUB 20, testified in support of the bill.
04:57:33 PM |
Mr. Ward, Mr. Linke and Mr. McCarty responded to committee questions.
05:11:06 PM |
Representative Roberts distributed and
discussed amendment L.001 [Attachment E]. Representatives Roberts
and Wilson responded to committee questions.
05:15:54 PM
Motion |
Adopt amendment L.001 |
Moved |
Roberts |
Seconded |
Valdez D. |
Arndt |
Buck |
Buentello |
Catlin |
Lewis |
McCluskie |
McLachlan |
Pelton |
Titone |
Valdez D. |
Roberts |
YES: 0 NO: 0 EXC: 0 ABS: 0 FINAL ACTION: Pass Without Objection |
05:15:54 PM |
Representatives Wilson and Roberts made concluding remarks. Committee members commented on the bill.
05:21:29 PM |
Representative Roberts responded to committee questions.
05:34:01 PM
Motion |
Refer House Bill 19-1264, as amended, to the Committee on Finance. |
Moved |
Roberts |
Seconded |
McCluskie |
Arndt |
Yes |
Buck |
No |
Buentello |
Yes |
Catlin |
No |
Lewis |
No |
McCluskie |
Yes |
McLachlan |
Yes |
Pelton |
Yes |
Titone |
Yes |
Valdez D. |
Yes |
Roberts |
Yes |
Final |