02:19:07 PM |
Jennifer Berman, representing the Office of Legislative Legal Services, explained the sunset process. She referred to the sunset report of the Public Utilities Commission (PUC) (Attachment B).
02:24:05 PM |
Patty Salazar, representing the Department of Regulatory Agencies (DORA), introduced Brian Tobias, who conducted the sunset review, and Doug Dean, the executive director of the PUC.
02:27:05 PM |
Mr. Tobias, representing DORA, explained the sunset review process and discussed the contents of the report. He provided background information about the enforcement activities undertaken by the PUC. He explained each of the 11 recommendations made by DORA with regard to the PUC.
02:41:19 PM |
Mr. Tobias continued to talk about the DORA recommendations. He responded to questions from the committee.
02:55:07 PM |
Amelia Myers, representing Conservation Colorado, testified about the sunset report.
03:00:39 PM |
Jay Boyle, representing CWIA, testified about the sunset report.
03:04:23 PM |
Jenny Willford, representing Colorado Communities for Climate Action, testified about the sunset report.
03:07:26 PM |
Mike Kruger, representing Colorado Solar and Storage Association, testified about the sunset report.
03:10:42 PM |
The witnesses responded to questions from the committee.
03:15:42 PM |
Will Toor, representing the Colorado Energy Office, testified about the sunset report.
03:23:17 PM |
Roger Freeman, representing himself, testified about the sunset report.
03:28:04 PM |
Steve Szabo, representing the Colorado Renewal Energy Society, testified about the sunset report.
03:31:00 PM |
Laurent Meillon, representing Capitol Solar Energy, testified about the sunset report.
03:35:33 PM |
The witnesses responded to questions from the committee.
03:48:13 PM |
John Connolly, representing Towing and Recovery Professionals of Colorado, testified about the sunset report.
03:50:01 PM |
Teo Nicolais, representing himself, testified about the sunset report.
03:54:02 PM |
Christopher Cunningham, representing Tschetter Hamrick Sulzer P.C., testified about the sunset report.
03:58:44 PM |
Mark Valentine, representing Towing and Recovery Professionals of Colorado, testified about the sunset report.
04:02:39 PM |
Troy Porras, representing himself, testified about the sunset report.
04:07:33 PM |
Jason Schwartz, representing the Institute for Policy Integrity, testified about the sunset report.
04:12:47 PM |
Mark Detsky, representing himself and the Colorado Independent Energy Association, testified about the sunset report.
04:20:14 PM |
Leslie Glustrom, representing Clean Energy Action, testified about the sunset report. She provided written testimony (Attachment C).
04:30:20 PM |
Jennifer Tweeuwen, representing herself, testified about the sunset report.
04:33:19 PM |
The witnesses responded to questions from the committee.
04:37:10 PM |
Joseph Benkert, representing Boulder Regional Emergency Telephone Service Authority, testified about the sunset report.
04:43:55 PM |
Bill Levis, representing AARP, testified about the sunset report. He provided a fact sheet (Attachment D).
04:51:13 PM |
The witnesses responded to questions from the committee.
04:58:36 PM |
John Gavan and Frances Koncilja, PUC Commissioners, testified about the sunset report. The commissioners responded to questions from the committee.
05:13:25 PM |
The sunset report was laid over for action at a later date.