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J_CDC_2019A 02/21/2019 08:03:50 AM Committee Summary

Date 02/21/2019
Beckman X
Sonnenberg X
Story X
Valdez A. X
Fields X
Roberts X
X = Present, E = Excused, A = Absent, * = Present after roll call
Time 08:03:50 AM to 08:43:37 AM
Place SCR 357
This Meeting was called to order by Representative Roberts
This Report was prepared by Matt Bishop
Hearing Items Action Taken
Consideration of Two-Year Cash List, Colorado State University Recommendation
Approval of Intercept Projects, Colorado State University Authorization
Other Business Committee Discussion Only

Consideration of Two-Year Cash List, Colorado State University - Recommendation

08:04:11 AM  

Lynn Johnson, Vice President of University Operations and Chief Financial Officer, Colorado State University, described the three cash-funded projects for consideration.  These include one project for reauthorization and two new projects, described in a memorandum from Legislative Council Staff (Attachment A).  The South Campus Infrastructure project constructs infrastructure for the build-out of the veterinary medicine campus.  The South Campus Animal Research Facility constructs a facility to house laboratory animals in support of the Translational Medicine Institute, Animal Cancer Center, Pre-Surgical Research Laboratory, and Veterinary Teaching Hospital.  The Purchase of 2243 Centre Avenue project purchases a building currently leased by the university from the Colorado State University Research Foundation.  Committee staff responded to procedural questions from the committee.  Ms. Johnson responded to a question from the committee regarding space and programming needs on the south campus.

08:16:18 AM
Motion Recommend cash funds spending authority for the new projects and reauthorize cash funds spending authority for the existing project listed on the Colorado State University two-year projection of cash need.
Moved Fields
Beckman Yes
Sonnenberg Yes
Story Yes
Valdez A. Yes
Fields Yes
Roberts Yes
YES: 6   NO: 0   EXC: 0   ABS:  0   FINAL ACTION:  PASS

Approval of Intercept Projects, Colorado State University - Authorization

08:16:19 AM  

Margaret Henry, Treasurer, Colorado State University, described the university's bonding factors related to the state's Higher Education Bond Intercept program.  Mr. Rich Schweigert, Legislative Liaison, Colorado State University, responded to questions regarding the benefits of the Intercept program for the university.  Ms. Henry and Ms. Johnson responded to questions from the committee regarding project and debt service financing.

08:26:47 AM  

Ms. Johnson responded to a further question from the committee regarding capital construction funding.  Committee staff responded to a question regarding accountability for debt and credit.

08:34:52 AM
Motion Authorize the use of the Higher Education Bond Intercept program for the following projects: 2243 Centre Ave Purchase; South Campus Animal Research Facility; and South Campus Infrastructure.
Moved Fields
Beckman No
Sonnenberg Yes
Story Yes
Valdez A. Yes
Fields Yes
Roberts Yes
YES: 5   NO: 1   EXC: 0   ABS:  0   FINAL ACTION:  PASS

Other Business - Committee Discussion Only

08:35:52 AM  

Kori Donaldson, Legislative Council Staff, shared information about the Capitol Complex Master Plan Implementation Fund (Attachment B).  Ms. Donaldson responded to clarifying questions from the committee about the plan and the committee's role.

08:43:37 AM   The committee adjourned.