Date Jan 23, 2019
Location HCR 0112
HB19-1018 - Lay Over
02:16:42 PM |
Representative Bockenfeld introduced HB19-1018 concerning the elimination of a local government's authority to opt out of the Unclaimed Property Act. The bill requires a local government to comply with the act as any other holder of abandoned intangible property, effective September 1, 2019. Local governments that hold intangible property are required to pay or deliver the property to the administrator before January 1, 2020. A county's discretionary power to dispose of abandoned personal property acquired by an elected official or county employee only applies to tangible personal property and does not apply to intangible property which is subject to the act. He distributed amendment L.001 (Attachment D).
02:29:05 PM |
Representative Bockenfeld answered questions from the committee about current reporting requirements for money. There were also questions about any reported problems with the current law. Citizens have not brought problems forward, although citizens may not be aware of this.
02:32:53 PM |
Kevin Bommer, Deputy Director, representing the Colorado Municipal League, testified in opposition of the bill.
02:36:51 PM |
Eric Bergman, representing Colorado Counties, Inc., testified in opposition of the bill. He indicated he would support the bill if amendment L.001 is adopted.
02:37:49 PM |
Kevin Bommer responded to questions from the committee. He indicated that the Colorado Municipal League is opposed to the bill, even with amendment L001. He indicated that the Colorado Muncipal League may support a different version of the bill.
02:50:22 PM |
Representative Gray brought up the issue that L.001 may not fit under the title of the bill.
02:55:08 PM |
Ed DeCecco, representing the Office of Legislative Legal Services, talked with the committee briefly about the title and amendment L.001.
03:05:33 PM |
Representative Carver moved amendment L.001, but the chair ruled that it did not fit under the title of the bill.
03:05:47 PM |
Representative Bockenfeld made closing remarks.
03:10:35 PM |
The committee came back to order. Representative Gray announced that the bill would be laid over for action only.