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h_jud_2016a_2017-01-04t08:35:00z4 Hearing Summary

Date: 01/04/2017


Department of Corrections SMART Act and Joint Rule 25 Presentation


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02:34 PM -- Department of Corrections SMART Act and Joint Rule 25 Presentation

Ms. Kellie Wasko, Deputy Executive Director, Department of Corrections (DOC), appeared before the committee pursuant to the SMART Government Act and Joint Rule 25. Committee members received a packet of presentation slides (Attachment D), the department's FY 2016-17 performance plan (Attachment E), and the department's FY 2015-16 annual performance evaluation (Attachment F). Ms. Wasko briefed the committee on the department's activities and duties based on the contents of Attachment D. Ms. Wasko responded to questions regarding the department's efforts to reduce recidivism based on technical parole violations. Ms. Melissa Roberts, DOC Director of Adult Parole, provided input on this issue.

17JointJud0104AttachD.pdf17JointJud0104AttachD.pdf 17JointJud0104AttachE.pdf17JointJud0104AttachE.pdf 17JointJud0104AttachF.pdf17JointJud0104AttachF.pdf

02:49 PM

Discussion ensued regarding the circumstances facing offenders who are released from prison. Director Roberts provided input on this issue. Ms. Wasko returned to briefing the committee pursuant to the SMART Act, discussing DOC's budget, regulatory agenda, and legislative agenda. Ms. Wasko then provided an overview of the department's divisions and functions, and DOC's offender population. Ms. Wasko responded to questions regarding the offender population numbers as compared to last year, and certain offender categories.

03:01 PM

Ms. Wasko discussed the demographics of the offender population. Ms. Wasko responded to questions regarding programming available to offenders based on demographics. Ms. Wasko discussed how certain behavioral and health issues impact DOC's inmate population. Discussion ensued regarding a recent audit of DOC's behavioral health programs by the Office of the State Auditor (OSA), and issues associated with the department's information technology that impacts these programs.

03:17 PM

Discussion continued regarding the audit of DOC's behavioral health programs, and the department's plan for ensuring that the affected offender population receives appropriate treatment.

03:30 PM

Discussion continued regarding issues associated with DOC's behavioral health programs. The committee also discussed funding for certain DOC programs. The committee and Ms. Wasko discussed treatment for individuals convicted of sex offenses.

03:43 PM

Discussion continued regarding treatment for individuals convicted of sex offenses.

03:55 PM

Ms. Wasko continued her presentation, including a presentation regarding DOC's operations under interstate compacts. She also played a video concerning restorative justice, and discussion ensued on the topic. Ms. Wasko concluded her presentation by discussing restrictive housing reform.

04:02 PM --
Mr. Rick Thompkins, DOC Director of Human Resources, provided an overview of his division, including a discussion of system modernization and employee training and retention. He responded to a question concerning DOC employee retirement. Discussion continued on treatment for those who have committed sex offenses.

04:15 PM --
Ms. Renae Jordan, DOC Director of Clinical and Correctional Services, provided an overview of her division, which are all customer-service oriented, providing services directly to prisoners. She responded to a question concerning recommendations made in an audit of DOC by the OSA. She also responded to questions concerning feminine hygiene products and other issues related to transition forms raised in the OSA audit.

04:25 PM

Ms. Jordan continued to respond to questions about treatment of mentally ill offenders and the mother baby unit.

04:28 PM --
Ms. Jennifer Bennett, DOC Director of Finance and Administration, provided an overview of her division and the included units. She responded to a question concerning the OSA audit findings and recommendations. Ms. Bennett continued her presentation. Representative Court commented.

04:35 PM --
Mr. Travis Trani, DOC Director of Prison Operations, provided an overview of the Division of Prisons. He discussed restrictive housing, highlighting differences with administrative segregation. He also discussed offender reintegration programs.

04:45 PM

Mr. Trani continued his presentation by discussing felony DUI offenders. He responded to a question regarding re-entry programs. He continued his presentation by discussing juvenile sentencing reform adopted by the General Assembly during the 2016 session. Discussion ensued concerning those sentencing reforms. Mr. Trani responded to a prior question concerning feminine hygiene products; discussion continued on the subject.

04:56 PM

Ms. Wasko commented on restrictive housing programs, highlighting an average reduction in time spent in restrictive housing compared to other states as well as Colorado's administrative segregation program. Discussion continued on this topic.

05:01 PM --
Ms. Melissa Roberts, DOC Director of Adult Parole, provided an overview of her division. She discussed re-entry processes, short term jail sanction programs, and evidence-based programs. She responded to questions about parole violations and the safe and sure program.

05:13 PM

Ms. Roberts continued her presentation by explaining data reporting methodologies. She responded to a question about data reporting. Ms. Roberts responded to questions concerning reviewing cases for parole eligibility, employee training and development, and responses to parole violations.

05:23 PM

Discussion continued concerning responses to parole violations.

05:34 PM

Discussion continued concerning responses to parole violations.

05:44 PM

Discussion continued concerning responses to parole violations. Ms. Wasko made closing remarks.

05:49 PM --
Greeley Police Department Chief Jerry Garner testified to the committee concerning parole. He discussed responses to parole violations. Representatives Kagan and Salazar commented on issues concerning parole violations.

06:02 PM --
Mr. J.D. Pyatt, representing himself, testified to the committee concerning parole. He stated issues that he has with how parole is presently operated. He also discussed detoxification as it relates to treatment, the sure and swift program, the parole absconsion rate, and parole revocation procedures, among other topics.

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