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h_bus_2016a_2017-01-04t09:00:00z1 Hearing Summary

Date: 01/04/2017


Presentation Department of Labor and Employment


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09:26 AM -- Presentation Department of Labor and Employment

Ellen Golumbek, Executive Director, provided an overview of the role of the Department and discussed their performance goals for the coming year. She provided a handout to the committee (Attachment D).

170104 AttachD.pdf170104 AttachD.pdf

09:37 AM

Ms. Golumbek responded to questions from the committee regarding increases in FTE in the Division of Labor Standards and Statistics.

09:49 AM

Ms. Golumbek discussed an ongoing project to update and modernize the unemployment insurance database.

09:51 AM

Ms. Golumbek discussed the legislative and regulatory agenda for the year. Priorities include allowing greater administrative flexibility to negotiate fines/penalties to employers who fail to carry workers' compensation coverage; providing financial relief to injured workers whose employers did not provide coverage; changing the statute of limitations on making a knowingly false statement from date of commission to date of discovery; and increasing administrative flexibility to allow unemployment insurance claimants to change tax withholding status as necessary.

09:55 AM --
Paul Taurielo, Division of Workers' Compensation, responded to questions from the committee.

09:58 AM

Ms. Golumbek continued to discuss the Department's regulatory agenda and implementation of 2016 legislation.

10:06 AM --
Alexandra Hall, Division of Labor Standards and Statistics, responded to questions from the committee.

10:12 AM

Ms. Golumbek discussed the state's workforce development initiatives including the Governor's Workforce and Education Cabinet, the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act, the Business Experiential Learning Commission, CareerWise Colorado and Denver Opportunity Youth Initiative, and the Colorado Apprenticeship Expansion Grant. She responded to questions from the committee.

10:19 AM --
Matthew Blackman, Department of Labor and Employment, responded to questions from the committee.

10:21 AM

Ms. Golumbek made closing comments.