Date |
04/23/2018 |
Attendance |
Becker J. |
X |
Buck |
X |
Catlin |
* |
Danielson |
E |
Hansen |
X |
Jackson |
* |
Lewis |
E |
McKean |
E |
Roberts |
X |
Saine |
* |
Valdez |
X |
Esgar |
X |
Arndt |
X |
Time |
01:32:46 PM to 02:05:12 PM |
Place |
HCR 0107 |
This Meeting was called to order by |
Arndt |
This Report was prepared by |
Meghan MacKillop |
Hearing Items |
Action Taken |
hSB18-038 |
Amended, referred to House Appropriations |
hSB18-218 |
Referred to House Appropriations |
hSB18-205 |
Referred to the Committee of the Whole |
SB18-038 - Amended, referred to House Appropriations
01:32:59 PM |
Representatives Willett and Esgar, co-prime sponsors, presented Senate Bill 18-038, concerning the expansion of the allowable uses of reclaimed domestic wastewater to include industrial hemp. This bill, recommended by the interim Water Resources Review Committee, codifies rules promulgated by the Water Quality Control Commission (WQCC) within the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment (CDPHE) related to the allowable uses of reclaimed domestic wastewater, and expands allowable uses to include irrigation of industrial hemp. In addition, the bill defines three categories of water quality standards. The WQCC is required to promulgate new rules related to reclaimed wastewater no later than December 31, 2019. Representative Esgar distributed and explained Amendments L.008 [Attachment A], L.009 [Attachment B], and L.010 [Attachment C].
01:38:27 PM |
Matt Becker, Legislative Council, responded to questions regarding the fiscal impact of the bill.
01:43:05 PM |
Dianna Orf, Colorado Water Congress, testified in support of the bill.
01:43:31 PM
Motion |
Adopt amendment L.008 |
Moved |
Esgar |
Seconded |
Valdez |
Becker J. |
Buck |
Catlin |
Excused |
Danielson |
Excused |
Hansen |
Jackson |
Lewis |
Excused |
McKean |
Roberts |
Saine |
Valdez |
Esgar |
Arndt |
YES: 0 NO: 0 EXC: 3 ABS: 0 FINAL ACTION: Pass Without Objection |
01:43:50 PM
Motion |
Adopt amendment L.009 |
Moved |
Esgar |
Seconded |
Valdez |
Becker J. |
Buck |
Catlin |
Excused |
Danielson |
Excused |
Hansen |
Jackson |
Lewis |
Excused |
McKean |
Roberts |
Saine |
Valdez |
Esgar |
Arndt |
YES: 0 NO: 0 EXC: 3 ABS: 0 FINAL ACTION: Pass Without Objection |
01:44:13 PM
Motion |
Adopt amendment L.010 |
Moved |
Esgar |
Seconded |
Valdez |
Becker J. |
Buck |
Catlin |
Excused |
Danielson |
Excused |
Hansen |
Jackson |
Lewis |
Excused |
McKean |
Roberts |
Saine |
Valdez |
Esgar |
Arndt |
YES: 0 NO: 0 EXC: 3 ABS: 0 FINAL ACTION: Pass Without Objection |
01:44:14 PM |
Representatives Willett and Esgar made concluding comments on the bill.
01:45:47 PM
Motion |
Refer Senate Bill 18-038, as amended, to the Committee on Appropriations. |
Moved |
Esgar |
Seconded |
Buck |
Becker J. |
Yes |
Buck |
Yes |
Catlin |
Excused |
Danielson |
Excused |
Hansen |
Yes |
Jackson |
Yes |
Lewis |
Excused |
McKean |
Excused |
Roberts |
Yes |
Saine |
Yes |
Valdez |
Yes |
Esgar |
Yes |
Arndt |
Yes |
Final |
SB18-218 - Referred to House Appropriations
01:46:41 PM |
Representative Arndt presented Senate Bill 18-218, concerning the funding of Colorado Water Conservation Board Projects. The bill appropriates funds from the Colorado Water Conservation Board Construction Fund in the Department of Natural Resources for specific water-related projects in FY 2018-19 and makes several cash fund transfers. Appropriations are for FY 2018-19 only, but funds for most projects are available until fully expended.
01:48:07 PM |
Lauren Ris, Deputy Director, Colorado Water Conservation Board (CWCB), testified in support of the bill and discussed the projects mentioned in the bill.
01:50:39 PM |
Dianna Orf, Colorado Water Congress, testified in support of the bill.
01:51:19 PM |
Ms. Ris responded to questions from the committee regarding funding allocated for the dredging of existing reservoirs. Ms. Ris discussed grant funding that has been distributed from the CWCB construction fund.
01:54:49 PM |
Representative Arndt responded to questions from the committee regarding funding allocated for aquifer recharge projects in the South Platte River Basin.
01:56:02 PM |
Ms. Ris responded to questions regarding funding allocated for recreation and environmental projects, including a ditch diversion modification program and invasive phreatophyte removal projects. Ms. Ris also responded to questions regarding the Weather Modification Program.
01:58:57 PM |
Representative Arndt made concluding comments on the bill.
02:00:49 PM
Motion |
Refer Senate Bill 18-218 to the Committee on Appropriations. |
Moved |
Arndt |
Seconded |
Jackson |
Becker J. |
Yes |
Buck |
Yes |
Catlin |
Excused |
Danielson |
Excused |
Hansen |
Yes |
Jackson |
Yes |
Lewis |
Excused |
McKean |
Excused |
Roberts |
Yes |
Saine |
No |
Valdez |
Yes |
Esgar |
Yes |
Arndt |
Yes |
Final |
SB18-205 - Committee Discussion Only
01:46:13 PM |
The chair laid the bill over until the end of the committee's agenda.
SB18-205 - Referred to the Committee of the Whole
02:01:08 PM |
The committee recessed.
02:01:17 PM |
The committee came back to order.
02:02:42 PM |
Representatives Catlin and McClachlan presented Senate Bill 18-205, concerning concerning industrial hemp designation as an agricultural product. This bill adds unprocessed industrial hemp seeds to the definition of a commodity, and industrial hemp to the definition of farm products. A commodity handler for unprocessed industrial hemp seeds will be subject to licensing under the Commodity Handler Act. A person acting as a dealer, small-volume dealer, or agent for industrial hemp stocks, leaves, clones, and flowers will be subject to licensing under the Farm Products Act. Under current law, industrial hemp registration fees are based on the size and use of the land area on which the industrial hemp operations are conducted. This bill authorizes the Commissioner of Agriculture to set fees sufficient to cover the direct and indirect costs of the Industrial Hemp Program. There was no testimony on the bill.
02:04:22 PM
Motion |
Refer Senate Bill 18-205 to the Committee of the Whole. |
Moved |
Catlin |
Seconded |
Esgar |
Becker J. |
Yes |
Buck |
Yes |
Catlin |
Yes |
Danielson |
Excused |
Hansen |
Yes |
Jackson |
Excused |
Lewis |
Excused |
McKean |
Excused |
Roberts |
Yes |
Saine |
Yes |
Valdez |
Yes |
Esgar |
Yes |
Arndt |
Yes |
Final |
02:05:12 PM |
Committee Adjourned |