Animal Chiropractic Education And Reporting Requirements
Chiropractors - animal chiropractic adjustment - exemption from veterinary medical clearance requirement - continuing education - reporting requirements. The act exempts a licensed chiropractor performing an animal chiropractic adjustment from a requirement that the licensed chiropractor first obtain a veterinary medical clearance if the licensed chiropractor has successfully completed 9 hours of course work related to contagious, infectious, and zoonotic diseases. The act also requires that continuing education requirements for renewed registration in animal chiropractic include a 2-hour course on Colorado incidence rates for contagious, infectious, and zoonotic diseases and requires a licensed chiropractor performing animal chiropractic to notify the state veterinarian and an animal patient's licensed veterinarian if the licensed chiropractor suspects that the animal patient has a contagious, infectious, or zoonotic disease. Finally, the act amends the definition of "animal chiropractic" to refer to performing chiropractic adjustment of dogs and equids, where current law defines it as performing chiropractic adjustment of dogs and horses, and defines "equid" to include horses, donkeys, mules, and zebras.
(Note: This summary applies to this bill as enacted.)