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Colorado General AssemblyToggle Main Menu

Exempt Local Government School Districts Forced Pooling

Concerning an exemption from forced pooling of certain governmental entities that own mineral rights.
2018 Regular Session
Natural Resources & Environment
Bill Summary

Current law authorizes 'forced' or 'statutory' pooling, a process by which any interested person–typically an oil and gas operator–may apply to the Colorado oil and gas conservation commission for an order to pool and develop oil and gas resources located within a particularly identified drilling unit absent consent from the mineral owner. The bill exempts school districts that own mineral rights and mineral rights owners that are located on open space designated by a local government if the local government acquired the mineral rights before the application was filed from being forced pooled but maintains their ability to engage in voluntary pooling.

(Note: This summary applies to the reengrossed version of this bill as introduced in the second house.)




Bill Text