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s_ed_2018a_2018-02-08t13:30:32z0 Hearing Summary


Date Feb 8, 2018      
Location SCR 352

SB18-011 - Lay Over

01:31:00 PM  
Senators Holbert and Kerr, co-sponsors,
presented Senate Bill 18-011 which concerns the treatment of students who
are excused by their parents from participating in state assessments.  Senator
Holbert spoke about the history behind the bill and the prevalence of parents
opting students out of taking state assessments.  Senator Kerr distributed
amendment L.002 [Attachment A] and amendment L.004 [Attachment B].  Senator
Kerr provided his comments on the bill.
01:40:50 PM  

Senator Kerr explained the difference between the two amendments [Attachments A and B]. The co-sponsors answered questions from the committee.

01:48:45 PM  

Shawna Fritzler, representing the Colorado Parent Teacher Association, spoke in support of the bill.

01:50:23 PM  

Nate Golich, representing the Colorado Education Association, spoke in support of the bill and amendment L.002 [Attachment A].

01:52:10 PM  

The preceding witnesses answered questions from the committee.

01:53:23 PM  

Lisa Escarcega, representing the Colorado Association of School Executives, spoke in support of the bill and amendment L.002 [Attachment A].

01:56:08 PM  

Jennifer Mello, representing the State Board of Education (SBE), stated that the SBE supports the bill only if amendment L.002 passes.  Ms. Mello answered questions from the committee.

02:03:17 PM  

There were no more witnesses.  SB 18-011 was laid over for action only to a date not yet determined.  

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