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h_jud_2017a_2017-04-27t13:37:19z3 Hearing Summary

Date: 04/27/2017

Location: HCR 0112


BILL SUMMARY for HB17-1319


Votes: View--> Action Taken:
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04:04 PM -- HB17-1319

Representative Sias, prime sponsor, presented House Bill 17-1319, concerning the neutrality of appraisers retained to help the parties to an insurance claim establish the appropriate valuation. Committee members received a bulletin on the issue, prepared by the Department of Regulatory Agencies (Attachment N). Representative Sias explained the effect of the bill and discussed its need. The following persons testified regarding HB 17-1319:


04:10 PM --
Ms. Audra Robitaille, representing Rocky Mountain Association of Property Insurance Adjusters, testified in support of the bill. She read the testimony of Mr. John Voelpel (Attachment O).


04:16 PM --
Ms. Kelly Campbell, representing the Property and Casualty Insurance Association, testified in opposition to the bill. Ms. Campbell explained how the bill would make the appraisal process less certain. Ms. Campbell responded to questions regarding what rules of procedure pertain to appraisers and umpires.

04:20 PM --
Mr. Evan Stephenson, representing the Colorado Civil Justice League, testified in opposition to the bill. Mr. Stephenson discussed caselaw that has established rules for appraisers.

04:22 PM --
Mr. Jeff Reubel, representing the Colorado Defense Lawyers Association, testified in opposition to the bill. Mr. Reubel discussed caselaw pertaining to appraisers invoking fairness and impartiality.

04:25 PM --
Mr. Lee Ormiston, representing the Colorado Coalition of Appraisers, testified in opposition to the bill. Mr. Ormiston read some existing statute that he feels would adequately substitute for the bill.

04:30 PM --
Mr. Mark Richardson, representing himself, testified in support of HB 17-1319. Mr. Richardson discussed the importance of property insurance, and the process by which appraiser qualifications are disputed.

04:34 PM --
Reverend Brad Strait, representing himself, testified in support of the bill. Rev. Strait discussed the process of filing a claim for his church based on damage from a hail storm, and delays associated with appraisals. He responded to questions regarding the potential benefits of the bill for his situation.

04:37 PM --
Mr. Ron Harsch, representing the Rocky Mountain Association of Property Insurance Adjusters, testified in support of the bill. Mr. Harsch discussed the lack of impartiality and clarity surrounding appraisers.

04:40 PM --
Mr. Mike Feeley testified in regarding the bill. Mr. Feeley discussed the need for further work on the bill, and addressed earlier references to caselaw.

04:45 PM

Committee members received copies of printed caselaw pertaining to the subject of the bill (Attachments P and Q). The chair laid over HB 17-1319.

17HouseJud0427AttachP.pdf17HouseJud0427AttachP.pdf 17HouseJud0427AttachQ.pdf17HouseJud0427AttachQ.pdf