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s_jud_2017a_2017-04-10t13:35:25z4 Hearing Summary

Date: 04/10/2017

Location: RM 271


BILL SUMMARY for HB17-1230


Votes: View--> Action Taken:
Postpone House Bill 17-1230 indefinitely using a r

Refer House Bill 17-1230 to the Committee of the W
Pass Without Objection


06:29 PM -- HB17-1230

Senator Guzman and Senator Kagan, co-prime sponsors, presented House Bill 17-1230, concerning protection for Colorado residents from federal government overreach based on a person's status. Senator Guzman and Senator Kagan made introductory remarks to the committee. Senator Kagan responded to committee questions.

The following persons testified on HB 17-1230; additional witnesses provided testimony on HB 17-1230 during the hearing on Senate Bill 17-281, held earlier at the committee's meeting:

06:51 PM --
Dr. Joann Ota Fujioka, representing herself, testified in support of the bill. She discussed her reasons for supporting the bill, and her experience, as a person of Japanese decent, being interned in the 1940s. Dr. Fujioka responded to questions concerning similarities between circumstances in the 1940s and now, and her experience being interned.

07:00 PM --
Ms. Denise Maes, representing the ACLU of Colorado, testified in support of the bill. She discussed Colorado's sovereignty under the U.S. Constitution's Tenth Amendment, the cost of immigration enforcement, and federal agreements with local law enforcement concerning immigration. She responded to questions concerning the constitutionality of agreements between the federal government and local law enforcement agencies, and the constitutionality of detaining people based on specified traits.

07:09 PM --
Mr. Tom Romero, representing himself, testified in support of the bill. He distributed a copy of his testimony (Attachment I), and that of Nancy Ehrenreich (Attachment J). He discussed the history of Colorado's Constitution.

17SenateJud0410AttachI.pdf17SenateJud0410AttachI.pdf 17SenateJud0410AttachJ.pdf17SenateJud0410AttachJ.pdf

07:14 PM --
Reverend Bradley Laurvick, representing the Interfaith Alliance, testified in support of the bill. He explained the benefits of the bill.

07:16 PM --
Ms. Robin Yasui, representing the Coalition for an Inclusive Colorado and the Minoru Yasui Legacy Project, testified in support of the bill. She explained her father's experience being interned following the attack on Pearl Harbor. Ms. Yasui discussed the negative effects of making determinations based on a person's religion and national origin.

07:20 PM --
Ms. Rose Tanaka, representing the Japanese American Citizens League, testified in support of the bill. She spoke favorably of Ms. Yasui's testimony. Ms. Tanaka described her experience, and that of others, being interned in the 1940s. Ms. Tanaka responded to a question about her experience following her internment.

07:26 PM --
Ms. Iman Jodeh, representing herself, testified in support of the bill. She discussed fear that may be alleviated by the bill's policies, and discussed the perpetrators of certain crimes.

07:30 PM --
Ms. Krista Cole, representing the Council on American-Islamic Relations - Colorado, testified in support of the bill. She discussed statements made by federal policy makers concerning policies relating to immigrants.

07:33 PM --
Ms. Nadeen Ibrahim, representing herself, testified in support of the bill. She discussed the success of her family's business, and the potential effect of recent actions on her and her family.

07:36 PM --
Dr. Nabeeh Hasan, representing himself, testified in support of the bill. He discussed his experiences as a Muslim of Arabic decent.

07:39 PM --
Mr. Arian Noorzai, representing the March for Humanity, testified in support of the bill. He discussed the limitation of federal powers and the expanse of state authority under the U.S. Constitution. Mr. Noorzai discussed other constitutional concerns and the effect of the bill.

07:41 PM --
Ms. Palwasha Khan, representing herself, testified in support of the bill. Ms. Khan discussed the contribution of Muslims to the United States, and her family's experience.

07:45 PM --
Ms. Paula Schriefer, representing the Spring Institute, testified in support of the bill. She discussed the benefits of the bill, including avoiding federal overreach and permitting local law enforcement to set their own policies.

07:48 PM --
Ms. Karla Gonzales Garcia, representing the Colorado Organization for Latina Opportunity and Reproductive Rights, testified in support of the bill. She stated opposition to policies that permit detention of individuals based on race, ethnicity, national origin, and other traits.

07:51 PM --
Ms. Gina McAfee, representing Indivisible Colorado, testified in support of the bill. She explained her experience learning about other cultures, and discussed persons who work for her company. She also submitted the testimony of another person (Attachment K).


07:54 PM --
Ms. Neeti Pawar, representing herself, testified in support of the bill. Ms. Pawar discussed her experience working as an attorney on immigration matters.

07:59 PM --
Ms. Susie Shanley, representing herself, testified in support of the bill. She discussed her work with refugees.

08:02 PM --
Ms. Robin Goldstein-Lincoln, representing Indivisible Colorado, testified in support of the bill. Ms. Goldstein-Lincoln discussed working with citizens, legal immigrants, and undocumented immigrants. She responded to a question concerning helping clients dealing with fear.

08:05 PM -- Ms. Maura Benedick, representing herself, testified in support of the bill. She discussed historical concerns relating to immigration enforcement.

Written testimony from individuals not in attendance was submitted to the committee (Attachment L and Attachment M).

17SenateJud0410AttachL.pdf17SenateJud0410AttachL.pdf 17SenateJud0410AttachM.pdf17SenateJud0410AttachM.pdf

08:09 PM --
Ms. Ruth Mackey, representing the Colorado Hispanic Bar Association, testified in support of the bill.

08:12 PM --
Dr. Nabeeh Hasan read the testimony of Dr. Sarah Hemeida in support of the bill.

08:14 PM --
Mr. Adnan Al-Ghourabi, representing himself, testified in support of the bill. He discussed his education and experience, and well as his memories of living in Iraq.

08:16 PM --
Ms. Laurel Hayden, representing herself, testified in support of the bill.

08:18 PM --
Ms. Eleanor Cabell, representing herself, testified in support of the bill. She discussed liberty interests protected by the bill.

08:21 PM

Senator Kagan provided closing remarks on the bill. Senator Guzman provided closing remarks on the bill. Senator Kagan responded to questions concerning the effect of the bill, and its terms.

08:31 PM

Committee members commented on the bill.

BILL: HB17-1230
TIME: 08:33:09 PM
MOVED: Kagan
MOTION: Refer House Bill 17-1230 to the Committee of the Whole. The motion failed on a vote of 2-3.

BILL: HB17-1230
TIME: 08:35:05 PM
MOVED: Coram
MOTION: Postpone House Bill 17-1230 indefinitely using a reversal of the previous roll call. There was no objection to the use of the reverse roll call, therefore, the bill was postponed indefinitely. The motion passed without objection.
Final YES: 0 NO: 0 EXC: 0 ABS: 0 FINAL ACTION: Pass Without Objection

08:35 PM

The committee adjourned.

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