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J_CBAC_2017A 02/17/2017 Committee Summary




Date: 02/17/2017
Time: 01:37 PM to 02:21 PM
Aly Jabrocki
David Halaas
Place: SCR 357
Effie Ameen
Frank McNulty
This Meeting was called to order by
Georgianna Contiguglia
Senator Grantham
Kurt Morrison
Marilyn Eddins
This Report was prepared by
Nan Anderson
Julia Jackson
Rick Lee
Steve Turner
X = Present, E = Excused, A = Absent, * = Present after roll call
Bills Addressed: Action Taken:
Election of Chair and Vice-Chair

President Donald Trump Portrait

Governors' Portraits

Capitol Furniture

Sand Creek Memorial Update

Capital Construction Update

Staff Updates
Appoint chair and vice-chair

Draft letter supporting artist selection

Witness Testimony and/or Committee Discussion Only

Witness Testimony and/or Committee Discussion Only

Witness Testimony and/or Committee Discussion Only

Witness Testimony and/or Committee Discussion Only

Witness Testimony and/or Committee Discussion Only

01:37 PM -- Election of Chair and Vice-Chair

Ms. Contiguglia nominated Representative McNulty as chair of the committee.

BILL: Election of Chair and Vice-Chair
TIME: 01:38:59 PM
MOVED: Lontine
MOTION: Appoint Frank McNulty chair of the Capitol Building Advisory Committee. The motion passed without objection.
SECONDED: Nan Anderson
Aly Jabrocki
David Halaas
Effie Ameen
Frank McNulty
Georgianna Contiguglia
Kurt Morrison
Marilyn Eddins
Nan Anderson
Rick Lee
Steve Turner
YES: 0 NO: 0 EXC: 1 ABS: 0 FINAL ACTION: Pass Without Objection

Mr. Halaas nominated Mr. Turner as vice-chair of the committee.

BILL: Election of Chair and Vice-Chair
TIME: 01:40:23 PM
MOVED: Lontine
MOTION: Appoint Steve Turner as vice-chair of the Capitol Building Advisory Committee. The motion passed without objection.
Aly Jabrocki
David Halaas
Effie Ameen
Frank McNulty
Georgianna Contiguglia
Kurt Morrison
Marilyn Eddins
Nan Anderson
Rick Lee
Steve Turner

01:41 PM -- President Donald Trump Portrait

Mr. Damion Pechota, Legislative Council Staff, discussed the history of the presidential portrait collection. He recommended that the committee write a letter to Colorado Creative Industries in support of Sarah Boardman to be selected to paint the portrait of President Donald Trump for the Capitol's presidential portrait collection.

Committee members commented on the proposal.

BILL: President Donald Trump Portrait
TIME: 01:43:37 PM
MOVED: Grantham
MOTION: Draft a letter from the committee to Colorado Creative Industries supporting the selection of Sarah Boardman to paint a portrait of President Donald Trump for the Capitol's presidential portrait collection. The motion passed without objection.
SECONDED: Frank McNulty
Aly Jabrocki
David Halaas
Effie Ameen
Frank McNulty
Georgianna Contiguglia
Kurt Morrison
Marilyn Eddins
Nan Anderson
Rick Lee
Steve Turner
YES: 0 NO: 0 EXC: 1 ABS: 0 FINAL ACTION: Pass Without Objection

01:44 PM -- Governors' Portraits

Mr. Pechota updated the committee on the costs to restore the governors' portraits. He provided a handout detailing the estimates (Attachment A). Ms. Anderson and Ms. Contiguglia discussed the estimates.

Attachment A.pdfAttachment A.pdf

Senator Grantham and Mr. Pechota discussed the unidentified portrait of a woman that was found with the collection.

Representative Lontine further discussed the estimates. Representative McNulty requested that the final frame estimate be provided as well and noted that the committee will need to decide whether to proceed with the restoration project.

Mr. Pechota offered to obtain a bid for moving and placing the portraits as well.

01:52 PM -- Capitol Furniture

Mr. Lance Shepherd, Department of Personnel and Administration, noted that additional pieces of Capitol furniture have been located in other state buildings. Committee members and Mr. Pechota discussed the need to find locations for pieces before returning them to the Capitol. Mr. Turner noted that History Colorado has additional pieces in its warehouse.

Ms. Ameen, Ms. Eddins, and Mr. Pechota discussed the furniture inventory process. Committee discussion continued.

01:58 PM -- Sand Creek Memorial Update

Mr. Rick Lee, Department of Personnel and Administration, updated the committee on his discussions regarding the location of the Sand Creek Memorial in Lincoln Park. Committee members received a map of proposed sites (Attachment B). Mr. Lee noted that the memorial's proponents want the monument to have an unobstructed view of the west steps of the Capitol.

Attachment B.pdfAttachment B.pdf

Mr. Turner expressed concern that the involved tribes have not yet been fully consulted in the site selection process.

Representative McNulty and Ms. Contiguglia discussed the history of the memorial's approval. Mr. Halaas discussed his consultations with the three tribes. He noted the importance of connecting the memorial with the Civil War Monument on the Capitol grounds.

Representative McNulty recommended that conversations continue around a final location for the memorial. Mr. Lee noted additional considerations with the tribes' preferred location.

02:11 PM -- Capital Construction Update

Mr. Shepherd updated the committee about capital construction projects in the Capitol building. He described the restoration of the committee rooms, the roof project, and the window restoration. He noted that the visitor services desks would also be updated.

Ms. Contiguglia thanked Mr. Shepherd and other staff for the projects that have been completed in recent years.

In response to a question from Representative McNulty, Mr. Shepherd noted that it would take 6 to 8 years, pending funding, to complete all the projects proposed for the Capitol building.

Representative Lontine and Mr. Shepherd discussed additional fixtures that need restoration.

02:18 PM -- Staff Updates

Ms. Julia Jackson, Legislative Council Staff, noted that the committee has secured a grant from the State Historic Fund to pursue a cultural landscape assessment of the Capitol grounds. Mr. Turner commented on the project.

Mr. Pechota explained that staff has secured additional funding for the Gold Fund to pursue maintenance of Mr. Brown's Attic and artwork in the Capitol.

02:21 PM

The committee adjourned.

The effective date for bills enacted without a safety clause is August 7, 2024, if the General Assembly adjourns sine die on May 8, 2024, unless otherwise specified. Details