s_sa_2017a_2017-01-18t13:34:57z2 Hearing Summary
Date: 01/18/2017
Location: LSB A
Report on Electronic Benefit Transfers by DOR and DHS
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01:53 PM -- Report on Electronic Benefit Transfers Program by Department of Revenue and Department of Human Services
Phyllis Albritton, Department of Human Services, provided an update on the electronic benefit card transfer (EBT) program, pursuant to Section 26-2-104, C.R.S. An informational packet was distributed to the committee (Attachment B).
01:59 PM
Ms. Albritton answered questions from the committee about EBT program and the use of the cards in various locations.
02:04 PM
The committee took a brief recess.
02:07 PM
The committee came back to order.
02:07 PM
Flavio Quintana, Department of Revenue, discussed the EBT program and the educational outreach the department has conduced about the EBT program. He stated that the instances of prohibited card use have fallen by about 60 percent from when the law was passed.
02:10 PM
Mr. Quintana answered questions about the use of EBT cards in grocery stores that have liquor licenses and the technology used to prevent prohibited card use.
02:16 PM
The committee adjourned.