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s_lg_2017a_2017-04-25t14:03:08z0 Hearing Summary

Date: 04/25/2017

Location: SCR 354


BILL SUMMARY for HB17-1283


Votes: View--> Action Taken:
Refer House Bill 17-1283 to the Committee of the W PASS

02:03 PM -- HB 17-1283

Senator Garcia and Senator Cooke, co-prime sponsors, discussed the provisions of House Bill 17-1283. The bill creates a task force to identify and develop models for programs to promote child welfare caseworker resiliency. The bill defines "resiliency programs" and requires the task force to base its work and findings on national models for such programs. The bill specifies the membership of the task force, which may include up to 16 members from the Department of Human Services (DHS), county departments of human services, caseworkers, the Metropolitan State University (MSU) Department of Social Work, advocacy groups, and law enforcement, among others. Members serve without compensation or reimbursement of expenses.

The following person testified on the bill:

02:07 PM --
Renee Rivera, representing the National Association of Social Workers - Colorado Chapter, testified in support of the bill and discussed the challenges faced by child welfare caseworker.

02:10 PM -- Rebecca Meyers, representing the National Association of Social Workers - Colorado Chapter, testified in support of the bill and responded to questions from the committee about training for child welfare caseworkers.

02:13 PM --
Becky Zal Sanchez, representing the National Association of Social Workers - Colorado Chapter, testified in support of the bill and responded to questions from the committee about training for child welfare caseworkers.

02:26 PM -- Dr, Dawn Matera Bassett, representing the Metropolitan State University, testified in support of the bill and discussed the challenges faced by child welfare caseworker and their training. She also distributed a handout that summarized her testimony (Attachment A) and responded to committee questions about resiliency training for caseworkers.

170425 AttachA.pdf170425 AttachA.pdf

02:37 PM --
Patricia Cosyleon, representing the Pueblo County, testified in support of the bill and responded to questions from the committee about the challenges faced by child welfare caseworker and their training.

02:42 PM --
Sergeant Sean Harper, representing the Fraternal Order of Police, testified in support of the bill and discussed the challenges faced by child welfare caseworker and their training. He also discussed the benefits of peer support to help persons affected by traumatic events and other measures to increase resiliency.

02:48 PM --
Sabrina Burbidge, representing herself, explained she works for the Office of Colorado's Child Protection Ombudsman and testified in support of the bill. She also discussed the challenges faced by child welfare caseworker and their training.

02:54 PM --
Alison Daley, representing the Colorado Counties, Inc., spoke in support of the bill and discussed increases in state funding for caseworkers.

02:56 PM --
Moe Keller, representing the Mental Health Colorado, testified in support of the bill and discussed the challenges faced by child welfare caseworker and their training. She also distributed a handout that summarized her testimony (Attachment B).

170425 AttachB.pdf170425 AttachB.pdf

02:58 PM

The chair closed testimony. Senator Garcia and Senator Cooke closed their remarks on the bill.

02:59 PM

Ms. Meyer returned to respond to questions from the committee about the role of the Department of Human Services in the implementation of the bill.

BILL: HB17-1283
TIME: 02:59:40 PM
MOVED: Crowder
MOTION: Refer House Bill 17-1283 to the Committee of the Whole, and a recommendation that it be placed on the consent calendar. The motion passed on a vote of 5-0.
Martinez Humenik

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