Senator Hisey, sponsor, explained SB21-017, concerning sexual contact between a student and an educator in violation of the public trust. He noted that a secondary school teacher who has sexual contact with an 18 year old student may not have committed a crime. He provided examples of unwanted relationships by 18 year old students and their teachers.
Dawn Kherderian, representing herself, testified in support of the bill. She described an incident at her daughter's school between an 18 year old and an educator.
Amber Kherdiarian, representing herself, testified in support of the bill. She described an incident at ther school.
Senator Zenzinger stated that she will add herself as a co-prime sponsor on third reading and expressed her support of the bill.
Tristan Gorman, representing the Colorado Criminal Defense Bar, spoke in opposition to the bill. She explained that state law already has provisions that cover relationships between teachers and students. She further discussed consent as a defense and penalties.