03:14:58 PM |
Michelle Barnes,
Executive Director, gave an overview of the Department of Human Services
(DHS) including services they provide and workforce information. A copy
of the presentation and other relevant documents were submitted to the
committee (Attachment F).
03:17:12 PM |
Kevin Neimond, Chief Policy and Communications Director, went over the legislative and regulatory agenda for the department.
03:28:57 PM |
Telly Belton, Recovery Officer, went over stimulus spending by the department.
03:36:04 PM |
DHS staff answered questions from the committee.
03:46:26 PM |
Director Branch gave
an overview of the goals for the department.
03:48:46 PM |
Pedro Almeida, Deputy
Executive Director of Administrative Solutions, spoke about staffing issues
within the department and what DHS is doing to combat them.
03:55:05 PM |
DHS staff answered questions from the committee.
04:01:43 PM |
Leora Joseph, Direct of Office of Civil and Forensic Mental Health, gave an overview of the office and shared information on inpatient restoration orders.
04:13:32 PM |
Barry Pardus, Interim Director of Office of Economic Security, shared information about the office and different programs for food and energy assistance.
04:25:00 PM |
DHS staff answered
questions from the commitee.
04:36:20 PM |
Cole Chandler, Director
of Homelessness Initiatives, presented on goals and implementation efforts
to combat homelessness. Director Chandler answered questions from the committee.
04:47:31 PM |
Director Webb answered questions from the committee.
04:55:25 PM |
Minna Castillo Cohen,
Director of the Office of Children, Youth and Families, gave an overview
of the offices, divisions, programs within it.
05:02:15 PM |
Director Cohen went over the budget request from the office.
05:20:18 PM |
Dr. Morgan Medlock,
Commissioner, Behavioral Health Administration (BHA), gave an overview
of the divisional structure and goals of the BHA. She also covered the
legislative agenda and gave stimulus spending updates. A copy of
the presentation and other relevant documents were submitted to the committee
(Attachment G).
05:29:53 PM |
Commissioner Medlock
shared the goals for the BHA.
05:32:13 PM |
Ryan Templeton, Division Director for Policy and External Affairs, gave updates on the BHA that are required by statute.
05:33:33 PM |
BHA staff answered questions from the committee.
05:47:43 PM |
Director Branch answered questions from the committee.