10:54:33 AM |
Senator Ginal and Senator Gardner, bill sponsors, presented House Bill 19-1269. This bill requires private health insurers and the state's Medicaid plan to provide medically necessary coverage for behavioral, mental health, and substance use disorder services on par with the coverage for physical health services and to demonstrate compliance through new reporting requirements.
11:00:04 AM |
Senators Ginal and Gardner responded to questions.
11:02:35 AM |
Lauren Snyder, Mental Health Colorado, testified in support of the bill and distributed a handout (Attachment B).
11:04:14 AM |
Moe Keller, Mental Health Colorado, testified in support of the bill.
11:07:34 AM |
Kevin J.D. Wilson, Children's Hospital Colorado, testified in support of the bill.
11:10:22 AM |
Dr. Alexis Ritvo, Colorado Psychiatric Society, Colorado Society of Addiction Medicine, and Colorado Child and Adolescent Psychiatric Society, testified in support of the bill.
11:17:17 AM |
The witness panel responded to questions.
11:23:46 AM |
Jim Wiegand, representing himself, testified in support of the bill.
11:30:45 AM |
Elicia Bunch, Centennial Peaks Hospital,
testified in support of the bill.
11:34:44 AM |
Valerie Schlecht, Colorado Cross-Disability
Coalition, testified in support of the bill.
11:35:32 AM |
Debra Judy, Colorado Consumer Health Initiative, testified in support of the bill.
11:42:44 AM |
The witness panel responded to questions.
11:42:52 AM |
Heidi Haines, The Arc of Colorado, testified in support of the bill.
11:45:49 AM |
Dave DeNovellis, HCPF, testified in support
of the bill.
11:46:20 AM |
Wes Skills, Colorado Center on Law and Policy, read the testimony of Bethany Pray in support of the bill.
11:47:57 AM |
Kelly Erb, Colorado Rural Health Center, testified in support of the bill.
11:50:42 AM |
Matt Mortier, DOI, testified in support of the bill.
11:52:53 AM |
The witness panel responded to questions.
11:57:22 AM |
Senators Ginal and Gardner made closing remarks.
12:00:35 PM
Motion |
Refer House Bill 19-1269 to the Committee on Appropriations. |
Moved |
Crowder |
Seconded |
Crowder |
Yes |
Smallwood |
Yes |
Winter |
Yes |
Pettersen |
Yes |
Fields |
Yes |
Final |