s_hhs_2016a_2016-01-08t09:06:39z4 Hearing Summary
Date: 01/08/2016
Presentation by the Statewide Child Fatality Review Team
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12:01 PM -- Presentation by the Statewide Child Fatality Review Team
Dr. Scott Harpin, Colorado Child Fatality Prevention System State Review Team Co-chair, introduced himself. He provided a presentation handout (Attachment H) and the 2015 Child Fatality Prevention System Annual Legislative Report (Attachment I). He reviewed the mission of the Colorado Child Fatality Prevention System (CFPS). He referenced the state laws concerning the review of child fatalities. Dr. Harpin provided a history of the CFPS and explained how the local review teams and the state review team work together.
160108 AttachH.pdf160108 AttachI.pdf
12:05 PM
Laurie Andrews, Colorado Child Fatality Prevention System State Review Team Co-chair, discussed child fatality review teams and the data collected through the CFPS.
12:08 PM
Dr. Harpin reviewed the progress on the 2014 CFPS recommendations and outlined the 2015 CFPS recommendations. In response to a question, Dr. Harpin said that county-specific child fatality data is available, upon request.
12:18 PM
Colleen Kapsimalis, Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment (CDPHE), answered questions about the Infant Safe Sleep Partnership training. Senator Newell discussed the Sources of Strength Program, which is a suicide prevention program for youth. Dr. Harpin and Ms. Kapsimalis answered questions about child fatality data.
12:25 PM
Ms. Kapsimalis answered questions about whether legislation would becoming forth based on the 2015 CFPS recommendations. She responded to questions about the interaction between the CDPHE and the Colorado Department of Human Services child fatality review teams. Discussion about the child fatalities ensued.
12:31 PM
The committee recessed.