se_scee_2017a_2017-01-19t10:29:17z1 Hearing Summary
Date: 01/19/2017
Location: SCR 352
Presentation of Resource Rich Colorado Report
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10:35 AM -- Presentation of Resource Rich Colorado Report
Brian Payer, Co-Chair, Resource Rich Colorado Committee (RRCC) and Program Manager of Strategic Operations, Sphera, introduced himself to the committee and gave a brief background of his experience and the Resource Rich Colorado Report (Attachment A). Mr. Payer explained that the RRCC does not take any policy stances and seeks to present data collected from multiple sources. (Attachment A)
Mr. Payer discussed the oil sector, as it relates to the Resource Rich Colorado Report. Mr. Payer explained that Colorado is number seven in oil production in the nation and discussed oil infrastructure and global oil production. He explained that oil production in the United States has grown significantly in the last four years.
10:43 AM
Mr. Payer discussed natural gas production in the United States and explained several charts and figures that can be found in the report. Overall natural gas production in the nation has increased, making the United States a top producer globally. Mr. Payer also discussed coal production and explained several charts and figures that can be found in the report. He explained that coal production is steadily declining and has a negative growth rate overall. Globally, China is the largest producer of coal, with the United States second. Mr. Payer continued his presentation with new technology in the energy sector, including wind and solar. He explained that Colorado is a large producer of wind and solar, ranking in the top ten nationally in wind and solar production. Mr. Payer explained that China has the largest renewable energy total and is still growing quickly.
10:50 AM
Mr. Payer discussed total energy storage, and explained that energy storage is becoming an increasingly important issue. He further discussed advances in clean technology as it relates to renewable energy, including metro mobility of the Denver Metro area. He explained that Denver is still heavily reliant on cars, as opposed to other large metropolises, such as New York City, where over half of the residents use another form of transportation. Mr. Payer continued his presentation with overall energy generation in the nation, noting that coal and oil are a declining source of energy. Mr. Payer discussed the cost of the various technologies in producing energy, and he explained that natural gas and wind energy are generally cost efficient sources of energy. He also discussed average residential summer retail electric prices, explaining that Colorado is average in terms of cost.
11:02 AM
Mr. Payer discussed global carbon dioxide emissions, noting that China overall has the most total emission per capita, with the United States is the second largest emitter overall of carbon dioxide. Mr. Payer explained that although the United States is overall the highest emitter per capita, that rate continues to decline.
11:04 AM
Mr. Payer discussed data surrounding policies and programs. He explained that Colorado is below the average in gasoline tax and discussed Colorado water utilization. He explained that agriculture is the main user of water in the state, with energy development and hydraulic fracturing using a small amount of water. He discussed the number of employees in the fossil fuel industry over the last four years, and he explained that employment in that sector has decreased. He also stated that Colorado ranks fourth overall in the nation in employing people in clean technology sectors and the economic impact of the fossil fuel and clean technology sectors.
11:10 AM
Mr. Payer responded to questions from the committee regarding the collection of data of emissions from other pollutants and explained that for the purpose of the Resource Rich Colorado Report, the data was focused on carbon emissions. Mr. Payer responded to further questions from the committee concerning the future of coal production.