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S_ED_2022A 01/20/2022 01:51:08 PM Committee Summary

Date 01/20/2022
Baisley X
Bridges X
Buckner X
Caraveo X
Exum X
Geitner *
Kipp X
Kirkmeyer X
Larson *
Lundeen X
Michaelson Jenet *
Priola X
Story X
Young X
Zenzinger X
McLachlan X
Time 01:51:08 PM to 06:13:51 PM
Place Old State Library
This Meeting was called to order by Zenzinger
This Report was prepared by Rachel Kurtz-Phelan
Hearing Items Action Taken
Briefing by the Joint Budget Committee pursuant to Joint Rule 25 Committee Discussion Only
Department of Early Childhood transition and universal preschool implementation Committee Discussion Only
SMART Act presentation from the Colorado Department of Education Committee Discussion Only
SMART Act presentation from the Department of Higher Education Committee Discussion Only
Presentation from History Colorado Committee Discussion Only

Briefing by the Joint Budget Committee pursuant to Joint Rule 25 - Committee Discussion Only

01:51:37 PM  
Senator Zenzinger,
chair, called the meeting to order.  Members of the Joint Budget Committee
(JBC) came to the committee to begin their presentation on the Fiscal Year
2022-23 budget requests for the Department of Education and Department
of Higher Education.  Representative McCluskie, JBC Chair, highlighted
various portions of the budget request and discussed some of the supplemental
budgets requests received
02:11:55 PM  
The committee asked
the members of the JBC about the decline in student enrollment numbers
and how that impacts school funding, particularly in regard to funding
for at-risk students.  Senator Rankin reviewed several budget request
items for the Colorado Department of Education.

02:22:42 PM  
Senator Zenzinger made comments about categorical funding for special education students. The JBC members answered questions about Charter School Institute schools that are located in a school district that benefits from mill levy equalization override funding, and additional funding needs for categorical programs.
02:29:31 PM  
Representative McCluskie
and Senator Rankin reviewed portions of the budget request for the Department
of Higher Education.  The JBC members answered questions from the

Department of Early Childhood transition and universal preschool implementation - Committee Discussion Only

03:01:44 PM  
The committee took
a brief recess.
03:06:49 PM  
The committee came
back to order. Senator Zenzinger invited the next panelists to the table
to begin their presentation on the Department of Early Childhood (DEC)
transition and universal preschool implementation.  The panelists
were: M. Michael Cooke, Early Childhood Transition Director, Tova Cohen,
Early Childhood Transition Coordinator, and Allie Kimmel, Deputy Legislative
Director, Office of the Governor.  A copy of their presentation and
corresponding documents can be found as Attachments A, B, C and D.  Ms.
Cooke provided background information on Proposition EE and how it will
help fund universal preschool, as well as an update on the transition process
for the new DEC.  She stated that the DEC will become operational
on July 1, 2022, and discussed the process used by the Early Childhood
Leadership Council to develop a plan to transition to the new department.

03:13:19 PM  
Ms. Cooke presented
the mission, vision, and values of the DEC developed by the Transition
Working Group and Transition Advisory Group, as well as the governance
structure of the new department and its rule-making authority.  She
talked about the transfer of programs and services and required legislation
to authorize the transfer of the programs to the new department.  Ms.
Cooke spoke about the role of local leads in implementing universal preschool
and the plan to have a single application for all early childhood services.
03:24:48 PM  
Ms. Cooke talked
about eligibility and prioritization for universal preschool, as well as
licensing, quality standards, and evaluation measures.  She answered
questions from the committee and discussed early childhood workforce issues
and stated that special education services will remain with the Colorado
Department of Education as opposed to moving to the DEC.  Ms. Cooke
reviewed the budget requests for the DEC and answered questions from the
committee about funding.

SMART Act presentation from the Colorado Department of Education - Committee Discussion Only

03:54:04 PM  
Senator Zenzinger
invited Katy Anthes, Commissioner of Education, Colorado Department of
Education (CDE) to begin her presentation, which can be found as Attachment
E.  Additional documents pertaining to the SMART Act can be found
as Attachments F, G, and H.  Commissioner Anthes reviewed the department's
mission and values, its budget request for FY 2022-23, student academic
achievement, and the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on student learning.

04:06:58 PM  
Dr. Anthes and Scott
Jones, Chief Strategic Recovery Officer for CDE, told the committee about
Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief funding received by the
department and plans moving forward.  Mr. Jones explained that the
state allocation is meant to aid Colorado's education recovery effort,
as well as provide targeted supplemental funding.  Dr. Anthes and
Mr. Jones answered questions from the committee.  Dr. Anthes spoke
about the department's strong foundations work on early childhood and the
Reading to Ensure Academic Achievement (READ) Act, along with Dr. Floyd
Cobb, Executive Director of Teaching and Learning, and Dr. Melissa Colsman,
Associate Commissioner of Student Learning, for CDE.  Dr. Cobb provided
an update on the implementation of Senate Bill 19-199.
04:31:01 PM  
Dr. Anthes spoke
about the department's strategic goal of supporting quality schools by
maximizing support for districts identified as needing academic improvements.
 She discussed graduation and drop out rates during the 2020-2021
school year.  Dr. Anthes introduced Dr. Colleen O'Neil, Associate
Commissioner of Educator Talent, who spoke about educator workforce challenges
and the department's initiatives to support educators.
04:51:30 PM  
Dr. Anthes concluded by speaking about the impact of the recent wildfires in Boulder County on students and teachers and how the department is working to support the district. She answered questions from the committee.
04:59:59 PM  
Dr. Anthes continued to answer questions from the committee.

SMART Act presentation from the Department of Higher Education - Committee Discussion Only

05:03:41 PM  
Dr. Angie Paccione,
Executive Director of the Department of Higher Education (DHE) introduced
herself and the rest of her team at the table: Dr. Ben Boggs, Chief of
Staff, Michael Vente, Chief Performance Officer, and Dr. Cynthia Armendais,
Senior Director and Operating Officer.  The presentation and additional
documents can be founds as Attachments I, J, and K.  Dr. Paccione
spoke about the department's mission and vision.  Vanecia Kerr, Chair
of the Colorado Commission on Higher Education (CCHE), appeared remotely
to update the committee members on the work of the commission.

05:17:55 PM  
Mr. Vente spoke about
the department's Wildly Important Goals, which include affordability for
students, equity in postsecondary attainment, and workforce development.
 Dr. Paccione spoke about the department's equity, diversity, and
inclusion policies and strategic goals and plan.  She talked about
the response of higher education institutions to the COVID-19 pandemic,
as well as unemployment rates by educational and credential attainment.
 Dr. Boggs reviewed the Student Success and Workforce Revitalization
Task Force report.
05:37:14 PM  
told the committee
about the financial aid working group and the Colorado Opportunity Scholarship
Initiative.  Dr. Paccione reviewed the department's FY 2022-23 budget
request and legislative agenda, which includes improving services for postsecondary
students with disabilities.

Presentation from History Colorado - Committee Discussion Only

05:57:35 PM  
Dawn DiPrince, Executive
Director, and Luis Colon, Chief Administrative Officer, History Colorado,
came to the table.  The presentation and supporting document can be
found as Attachments L and M.  Ms. DiPrince provided background information
about History Colorado and its Wildly Important Goal, which is to engage
one million people annually by the year 2025.  She spoke about independent,
interpersonal, and social media engagement statistics, and the Hands-On
History program.  Ms. DiPrince concluded by talking about what History
Colorado hopes to accomplish going forward.  Committee members made

06:13:51 PM   The committee adjourned.

The 2024 Statewide Ballot Information Booklet is now online