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S_ED_2019A 04/18/2019 01:57:00 PM Committee Summary

Date 04/18/2019
Bridges *
Hill *
Lundeen X
Story X
Todd X
X = Present, E = Excused, A = Absent, * = Present after roll call
Time 01:57:00 PM to 09:06:41 PM
Place SCR 352
This Meeting was called to order by Senator Todd
This Report was prepared by Rachel Kurtz-Phelan
Hearing Items Action Taken
Conf 19-Colorado State University System — Board Of Governors Favorably Refer to Full Senate - Consent Calendar
Conf 19-Student Leaders Institute Executive Board — Colorado Favorably Refer to Full Senate - Consent Calendar
Conf 19-Collegeinvest Favorably Refer to Full Senate - Consent Calendar
Conf 19-School Of Mines Board Of Trustees Favorably Refer to Full Senate - Consent Calendar
HB19-1171 Referred to Senate Appropriations
HB19-1132 Referred to Senate Appropriations
SB19-007 Amended, referred to the Committee of the Whole
SB19-246 Referred to Senate Appropriations
SB19-247 Lay Over

Conf 19-Colorado State University System — Board Of Governors - Favorably Refer to Full Senate - Consent Calendar

01:57:39 PM  

Senator Todd invited the panel from the Colorado State University (CSU) System to the table.  Dr. Tony Frank, Chancellor of the CSU System, introduced the appointees to the board of governors: Armando Valdez and Russell DeSalvo.  A copy of the Governor's appointment letter can be found as Attachment A.  The appointees took turns telling the committee about their backgrounds and about why they would like to serve on the board.

02:03:36 PM
Motion Refer the appointments of Russell DeSalvo III and Armando Valdez to the Colorado State University System Board Of Governors to the full Senate with a favorable recommendation and with a recommendation that it be placed on the consent calendar.
Moved Story
Bridges Yes
Hill Excused
Lundeen Yes
Story Yes
Todd Yes
Final YES: 4   NO: 0   EXC: 1   ABS:  0   FINAL ACTION:  PASS

Conf 19-Student Leaders Institute Executive Board — Colorado - Favorably Refer to Full Senate - Consent Calendar

02:03:45 PM  

Senator Todd invited Celeste Archer, Executive Director of the Colorado Student Leaders Institute Executive Board, introduced the appointees and reappointees to the board: Elizabeth Palmquist, Stephanie James, Rebecca Holmes, and Genia Herndon.  A copy of the Governor's appointment letter can be found as Attachment B.  The panel took turns telling the committee about their backgrounds and about why they would like to serve on the board.

02:10:20 PM
Motion Refer the appointments of Elizabeth Palmquist and Stephanie James, and the reappointments of Rebecca Holmes and Genia Herndon, to the Colorado Student Leaders Institute Executive Board to the full Senate with a favorable recommendation and with a recommendation that it be placed on the consent calendar.
Moved Story
Bridges Yes
Hill Excused
Lundeen Yes
Story Yes
Todd Yes
Final YES: 4   NO: 0   EXC: 1   ABS:  0   FINAL ACTION:  PASS

Conf 19-Collegeinvest - Favorably Refer to Full Senate - Consent Calendar

02:11:01 PM  

Senator Todd invited Angela Baier, CEO of CollegeInvest, to introduce the appointees to the board: Kirk Mielenz and David Simon.  A copy of the Governor's appointment letter can be found at Attachment C.  The appointees told the committee about their backgrounds and about why they would like to be appointed to the board.

02:18:44 PM
Motion Refer the appointments of David Simon and Kirk Mielenz to the CollegeInvest Board, to the full Senate with a favorable recommendation and with a recommendation that it be placed on the consent calendar.
Moved Story
Bridges Yes
Hill Excused
Lundeen Yes
Story Yes
Todd Yes
Final YES: 4   NO: 0   EXC: 1   ABS:  0   FINAL ACTION:  PASS

Conf 19-School Of Mines Board Of Trustees - Favorably Refer to Full Senate - Consent Calendar

02:18:49 PM  

Senator Todd invited the panel from the Colorado School of Mines (Mines) to the table.  Paul Johnson, President of Mines, and Tom Jordan, Chair of the Mines Board of Trustees, introduced the appointee to the board, Denise Burgess.  A copy of the Governor's appointment letter can be found as Attachment D.  Ms. Burgess told the committee about herself and about why she would like to serve on the board.

02:23:54 PM
Motion Refer the appointment of Denise Burgess to the School Of Mines Board Of Trustees to the full Senate with a favorable recommendation and with a recommendation that it be placed on the consent calendar.
Moved Story
Bridges Yes
Hill Excused
Lundeen Yes
Story Yes
Todd Yes
Final YES: 4   NO: 0   EXC: 1   ABS:  0   FINAL ACTION:  PASS

HB19-1171 - Referred to Senate Appropriations

02:27:14 PM  

Senator Priola and Senator Fields, co-sponsors, presented House Bill 19-1171, which concerns expanding the grades eligible for the child nutrition school lunch protection program.

02:30:44 PM  

Danielle Bock, representing the Colorado School Nutrition Association, spoke in support of the bill.

02:32:41 PM  

Jessica Gould, representing the Colorado School Nutrition Association, spoke in support of the bill.

02:37:25 PM  

Stephanie Perez-Carrillo, representing the Colorado Children's Campaign, spoke in support of the bill.

02:40:53 PM  

Evie Hudak, representing the Colorado Parent Teacher Association, spoke in support of the bill.

02:41:59 PM  

The panel of witnesses answered questions from the committee.

02:43:11 PM  

Kristi Douglas, representing herself, spoke in support of the bill.

02:45:59 PM
Motion Refer House Bill 19-1171 to the Committee on Appropriations.
Moved Story
Bridges Yes
Hill No
Lundeen No
Story Yes
Todd Yes
Final YES: 3   NO: 2   EXC: 0   ABS:  0   FINAL ACTION:  PASS

HB19-1132 - Referred to Senate Appropriations

02:46:47 PM  

Senator Coram and Senator Bridges, co-sponsors, presented House Bill 19-1132, concerning Colorado food products in schools.

02:51:06 PM  

Wendy Moschetti, representing LiveWell Colorado, spoke in support of the bill.

02:54:59 PM  

Jessica Whight, representing LiveWell Colorado, spoke in support of the bill.

02:59:22 PM  

The witnesses and co-sponsors answered questions from the committee. Committee discussion ensued.

03:12:51 PM
Motion Refer House Bill 19-1132 to the Committee on Appropriations.
Moved Bridges
Bridges Yes
Hill No
Lundeen No
Story Yes
Todd Yes
Final YES: 3   NO: 2   EXC: 0   ABS:  0   FINAL ACTION:  PASS

SB19-007 - Amended, referred to the Committee of the Whole

03:13:00 PM  

Senator Winter and Senator Pettersen, co-sponsors, presented Senate Bill 19-007, which concerns the prevention of sexual misconduct on higher education campuses.  The co-sponsors provided opening comments on the bill and answered questions from the committee.  The co-sponsors distributed amendments L.002, L.003, L.004, and L.006 (Attachments E through H).

03:21:00 PM  

The committee discussed the bill and amendments.

03:34:53 PM  

Mark Cavanaugh, representing Independent Higher Education of Colorado, spoke about the bill in a neutral position, if amended.

03:37:56 PM  

Jeremy Hueth, representing the University of Colorado, spoke about the bill in a neutral position, if amended.

03:40:25 PM  

Erica Weston, representing the University of Colorado, spoke on the bill in a neutral position.

03:41:16 PM  

Mike Feeley, representing the Colorado State University System, spoke about the bill in a neutral position, if amended.

03:42:24 PM  

Peter Han, representing the Colorado School of Mines, spoke about the bill in a neutral position, if amended.

03:43:26 PM  

The panel of witnesses answered questions from the committee. Committee discussion ensued.

03:56:44 PM  

Hannah Rose, representing herself, spoke in support of the bill.

04:01:14 PM  

Jean McCallister, representing the Rocky Mountain Victim Law Center, spoke in support of the bill, if amended.

04:04:45 PM  

Cari Simon, representing herself, spoke in support of the bill.

04:08:31 PM  

Ever Hanna, representing End Rape on Campus, spoke in support of the bill.

04:11:36 PM  

The panel of witnesses answered questions from the committee.

04:18:25 PM  

Charley Olena, representing New Era Colorado, spoke in support of the bill.

04:22:09 PM  

Raana Simmons, representing the Colorado Coalition Against Sexual Assault (CCASA), spoke in support of the bill.

04:25:11 PM  

Gena Ozols, representing the National Association for the Repeal of Abortion Laws, spoke in support of the bill.

04:28:10 PM  

Luce Stone, representing herself as a student, spoke in support of the bill.

04:31:06 PM  

The panel of witnesses answered questions from the committee.

04:33:32 PM  

Trent Cromartie, representing Stop Abusive and Violent Enviroments, testified in opposition to the bill.

04:38:36 PM  

Lara Baker, representing the Colorado Criminal Defense Bar, testified in opposition to the bill.

04:42:04 PM  

Larry Mertes, representing the Colorado Criminal Defense Bar, testified in opposition to the bill.

04:45:34 PM  

Grant Neal, representing the Colorado Criminal Defense Bar, testified in opposition to the bill.

04:49:27 PM  

The panel of witnesses answered questions from the committee.

05:03:55 PM  

Hailey McMuure, representing herself as a student, spoke in support of the bill.

05:09:30 PM  

Kelsey Brown, representing herself, spoke in support of the bill.

05:11:39 PM  

Saul Alfaro, representing himself as a student, spoke in support of the bill.

05:13:07 PM  

Krista McPhersen, representing herself as a student, spoke in support of the bill.

05:16:35 PM  

Lillian Goodman, representing herself as a student, spoke in support of the bill.

05:19:27 PM  

Kate Gillespie, representing herself, spoke in support of the bill.

05:21:48 PM  

Jess Davidson, Executive Director of End Rape on Campus, spoke in support of the bill. Ms. Davidson answered questions from the committee.

05:36:09 PM
Motion Adopt amendment L.002
Moved Story
YES: 0   NO: 0   EXC: 0   ABS:  0   FINAL ACTION:  Pass Without Objection

05:36:23 PM
Motion Adopt amendment L.003
Moved Story
YES: 0   NO: 0   EXC: 0   ABS:  0   FINAL ACTION:  Pass Without Objection

05:36:38 PM
Motion Adopt amendment L.004
Moved Story
YES: 0   NO: 0   EXC: 0   ABS:  0   FINAL ACTION:  Pass Without Objection

05:36:51 PM
Motion Adopt amendment L.006
Moved Story
YES: 0   NO: 0   EXC: 0   ABS:  0   FINAL ACTION:  Pass Without Objection
05:36:53 PM  

Senator Hill proposed a conceptual amendment.  Committee discussion ensued.

05:40:22 PM  

Jeremiah Barry, Office of Legislative Legal Services, came to the table to answer questions from the committee.  Committee discussion ensued.

05:54:33 PM
Motion This is a conceptual amendment. On page 4 of the introduced bill, strike lines 18 through 23.
Moved Hill
Bridges No
Hill Yes
Lundeen Yes
Story No
Todd No
YES: 2   NO: 3   EXC: 0   ABS:  0   FINAL ACTION:  FAIL
05:55:14 PM  

Committee members gave closing comments on the bill.

05:57:41 PM
Motion Refer Senate Bill 19-007, as amended, to the Committee of the Whole.
Moved Story
Bridges Yes
Hill No
Lundeen No
Story Yes
Todd Yes
Final YES: 3   NO: 2   EXC: 0   ABS:  0   FINAL ACTION:  PASS

SB19-246 - Referred to Senate Appropriations

05:57:49 PM  

The committee took a brief recess.

06:08:58 PM  

The committee came back to order.  Senator Todd and Senator Lundeen, co-sponsors, presented Senate Bill 19-246, which concerns the financing of public schools. The co-sponsors distributed amendment L.002 (Attachment I) and an additional handout (Attachment J) to the committee.  The co-sponsors provided opening comments on the bill.

06:17:24 PM  

The following people testified on the bill:

06:17:37 PM  

Kristi Leech, representing Great Education Colorado, spoke in support of the bill.

06:20:41 PM  

David Blackburn, Superintendent of Sailda Schools, spoke in support of the bill.

06:23:52 PM  

Amie Baca-Oehlert, President of the Colorado Education Association, spoke in support of the bill.

06:29:36 PM  

Bill Wilson, Superintendent of Brush Schools, spoke in support of the bill.

06:32:46 PM  

The panel of witnesses answered questions from the committee.

06:35:40 PM  

Karen Smith, President of the Colorado School Counselors Association, spoke in support of the bill.  She distributed a handout to the committee (Attachment K).

06:41:14 PM  

Bret Miles, representing the Northeast Colorado Boards of Cooperative Educational Services, spoke in support of the bill.

06:46:07 PM  

Grant Schmidt, Superintendent of the Hanover School District and also representing the Colorado Rural Schools Alliance, spoke in support of the bill.

06:51:06 PM  

Matt Cook, representing the Colorado Association of School Boards, spoke in support of the bill.

07:01:18 PM
Motion Adopt amendment L.002
Moved Lundeen
Bridges No
Hill No
Lundeen Yes
Story No
Todd Yes
YES: 2   NO: 3   EXC: 0   ABS:  0   FINAL ACTION:  FAIL

07:02:28 PM
Motion Refer Senate Bill 19-246 to the Committee on Appropriations.
Moved Todd
Bridges Yes
Hill Yes
Lundeen Yes
Story Yes
Todd Yes
Final YES: 5   NO: 0   EXC: 0   ABS:  0   FINAL ACTION:  PASS

SB19-247 - Lay Over

07:02:48 PM  

Senator Story, sponsor, presented Senate Bill 19-247, which concerns changes to the existing requirements that pertain to licensed personnel performance evaluation systems in the public schools, and creates a working group to make recommendations concerning the implementation of licensed personnel performance evaluation systems.

07:09:19 PM  

Mary Jo Abbott, representing herself as a teacher, spoke in support of the bill.

07:13:54 PM  

Debbie Bacon, representing herself as a teacher, spoke in support of the bill.

07:17:23 PM  

Patricia Little, representing herself as a teacher, spoke in support of the bill.

07:20:24 PM  

Ami Prichard, representing herself as a teacher, spoke in support of the bill.

07:26:47 PM  

Riley Kitts, representing the Colorado Children's Campaign, read written testimony from teacher Mark Sass in opposition to the bill.

07:30:38 PM  

Leslie Colwell, representing the Colorado Children's Campaign, spoke in opposition to the bill.

07:35:38 PM  

Kelly Caufield, representing Colorado Succeeds, spoke in opposition to the bill.

07:39:17 PM  

The panel of witnesses answered questions from the committee.

07:40:11 PM  

Paula Dickerson, representing herself as a teacher, spoke in support of the bill.

07:43:44 PM  

Shawna Fritzler, representing Support Jeffco Kids, spoke in support of the bill.

07:48:38 PM  

Kimberly Douglass, representing herself as a teacher, spoke in support of the bill.

07:55:45 PM  

Ang Anderson, representing herself as a teacher, spoke in support of the bill.

07:59:31 PM  

Chris Christoff, representing himself as a teacher, spoke in support of the bill.

08:09:52 PM  

Marty Gutierrez, representing himself as a teacher, spoke in support of the bill.

08:14:01 PM  

Bryan Lindstrom, representing the Aurora Education Association and himself as a teacher, spoke in support of the bill.

08:18:12 PM  

Carolyn Wolfrum, representing herself as a teacher, spoke in support of the bill.

08:21:07 PM  

Kevin Vick read written testimony from Kallie Leyba, representing the American Federation of Teachers Colorado, in support of the bill.

08:26:53 PM  

Evie Hudak, representing the Colorado Parent Teacher Association, spoke in support of the bill.

08:28:43 PM  

Terry Martinez, representing himself as a retired principal, spoke in support of the bill.

08:32:40 PM  

Kendall Bolton, representing herself as a teacher, spoke in support of the bill.

08:36:11 PM  

John Ford, President of the Jefferson County Education Association, spoke in support of the bill.

08:40:07 PM  

Amie Baca-Oehlert, President of the Colorado Education Association, spoke in support of the bill.

08:47:17 PM  

Colleen O'Neil, Associate Commissioner of Educator Talent for the Colorado Department of Education, came to the table to answer questions from the committee.

09:01:39 PM  
Senator Story gave closing comments on
the bill.  Senator Todd laid the bill over for action only to a later

09:06:41 PM   The committee adjourned.