s_ed_2017a_2017-02-08t10:31:01z1 Hearing Summary
Date: 02/08/2017
Location: RM 271
Presentation by Colorado Department of Education on assessments
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10:49 AM -- Presentation by Colorado Department of Education on assessments
Senator Hill invited Joyce Zurkowski, Executive Director of Assessment, Colorado Department of Education, to come to the table to begin her presentation on state assessments. She distributed a copy of her presentation (Attachment B). Ms. Zurkowski talked about required assessments in the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA), at both the state and federal level. She talked about the areas of flexibility provided in ESSA, and the common misconception that SAT and ACT tests are pre-approved as state or district-level assessments. Ms. Zurkowski discussed the approval steps that must be taken for a district to select a nationally recognized high school assessment that is different from the state high school assessment, as well as some new accommodations being made for English language learners. Ms. Zurkowski answered questions from the committee.
11:10 AM
Ms. Zurkowski continued to answer questions from the committee. She spoke about the assessment procurement process, comparability issues, and scale scores.
11:23 AM
Ms. Zurkowski talked about the purpose of the new innovative assessment demonstration authority under ESSA, including when it is and is not necessary. She discussed how states may propose a variety of new models, and the requirement that an innovative assessment be comparable to a state assessment. Ms. Zurkowski concluded her presentation by talking about next steps for Colorado, and answered questions from the committee.
11:43 AM
The committee adjourned.