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Colorado General AssemblyToggle Main Menu

s_blt_2017a_2017-12-18t10:02:30z3 Hearing Summary

Date: 12/18/2017

Location: RM 271


Department of Personnel and Administration


Votes: View--> Action Taken:
<none> <none>

01:32 PM -- Department of Personnel and Administration

The committee came back to order.

June Taylor, Executive Director, Department of Personnel and Administration (DPA), introduced herself and provided four handouts to the committee (Attachments D, E, F, and G). She discussed the responsibilities of the department and the priorities for the coming year. Ms. Taylor responded to questions from the committee.

171218 AttachD.pdf171218 AttachD.pdf171218 AttachE.pdf171218 AttachE.pdf171218 AttachF.pdf171218 AttachF.pdf171218 AttachG.pdf171218 AttachG.pdf

01:56 PM --
Bob Jaros, State Controller, DPA, came to the table to respond to questions from the committee.

02:03 PM

Ms. Taylor continued to respond to questions from the committee.

02:05 PM --
Larry Freedberg, State Architect, DPA, came to the table to respond to questions from the committee.

02:10 PM

The committee recessed.