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Colorado General AssemblyToggle Main Menu

s_blt_2017a_2017-12-18t10:02:30z2 Hearing Summary

Date: 12/18/2017

Location: RM 271


Department of Regulatory Agencies


Votes: View--> Action Taken:
<none> <none>

11:12 AM -- Department of Regulatory Agencies

Marguerite Salazar, Executive Director, Department of Regulatory Agencies (DORA), introduced herself and provided a handout of materials to the committee (Attachment C). She discussed the department's role in regulatory reform and the department's performance plan. Ms. Salazar discussed Colorado's broadband deployment strategy and the state broadband office and reported on the status of the response to House Bill 17-1165, concerning agency disciplinary actions.

171218 AttachC.pdf171218 AttachC.pdf

11:45 AM

Ms. Salazar responded to questions from the committee.

11:46 AM --
Karen McGovern, Division of Professions and Occupations, responded to questions from the committee.

11:49 AM --
Brian Shepherd, Colorado Broadband Office, responded to questions from the committee.

12:04 PM

Ms. Salazar continued to respond to questions from the committee.

12:17 PM

Ms. Salazar finished her presentation and the committee recessed.