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s_blt_2017a_2017-01-25t14:02:45z3 Hearing Summary

Date: 01/25/2017

Location: SCR 354


BILL SUMMARY for Sunset Review Real Estate Brokers & Subdivision Developers


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03:49 PM -- Sunset Review Real Estate Brokers & Subdivision Developers

Bryan Jameson, Department of Regulatory Agencies, introduced himself and discussed the department's oversight of real estate brokers and subdivision developers. Committee members received a copy of the 2016 Review (Attachment B) and the draft bill (Attachment C). Mr. Jameson discussed the recommendations of the review. (Attachment B)

170125 AttachC.pdf170125 AttachC.pdf

04:08 PM

Mr. Jameson responded to questions from the committee.

04:30 PM

Committee discussion with Mr. Jameson continued.

04:38 PM

Mr. Jameson concluded his remarks.

04:39 PM --
Matthew Pacheco, Colorado Apartment Association, discussed recommendation three of the Sunset Report.

04:43 PM --
James Benjamin, Colorado Bar Association, provided a handout to the committee (Attachment D).

170125 AttachD.pdf170125 AttachD.pdf

04:58 PM --
Kristin Decker, Real Estate Section of the Colorado Bar Association, discussed recommendation two of the report

05:01 PM --
Nicole Nies, Real Estate Section of the Colorado Bar Association, discussed recommendation two of the report.

05:04 PM --
Paul Schloff, Building Owners and Managers Association & NAIOP Commercial Real Estate Development Association, discussed recommendation three of the report.

05:10 PM --
Scott Peterson, Colorado Association of Realtors, discussed the recommendations of the report. He responded to questions from the committee.

05:25 PM

The chairman postponed action on the draft bill until January 30.

05:26 PM

The committee adjourned.

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